Pakistan PM Imran Khan Accuses US of Funding ‘Conspiracy’ to Topple His Government True or not it helps popularity to have anti-American credentials in Pakistan Press TV 28 Mar 22 638 4
Iran Admits It Accidentally Shot Down Civilian Airliner, Orders Investigation, Change in Procedures, Offers Apologies At the height of a US-Iran war scare Trump has been ratcheting up since 2018 Press TV 11 Jan 20 471 7
“Who Has Given the Americans the Right to Be in Syria?” China Asks “Let’s think the other way around: will the US allow Syria to send troops to US territory to protect oil fields there?” Press TV 22 Dec 19 1083 9
War on Yemen Yemen’s Houthis Shot Down Saudi Apache Attack Helicopter — VIDEO US-made Press TV 30 Nov 19 2091 8