The Great Hysteria Pandemic The Failure of Imperial College Modeling Is Far Worse Than We Knew "The exaggerated forecasts extend to almost every country on earth. They may constitute one of the greatest scientific failures in modern human history" Phillip W. Magness 30 May 21 1286 6
The Covid Rouge How the Virus Penetrated Jacinda’s Fortress New Zealand Even the ruinous isolation can't keep out the germ for ever Phillip W. Magness 1 Sep 20 795 0
The Models Were Wildly, Ridiculously, Astronomically Wrong About Reopening Too "The predictive ability of Imperial College’s COVID epidemiology modeling amounts to little more than an exercise in statistical astrology" Phillip W. Magness 25 Jul 20 778 6
Imperial College Model Applied to Sweden Predicted 40,000 Deaths by May, 100,000 by June The numbers Swedish pro-lockdown researchers got when they applied the model to their country Phillip W. Magness 6 May 20 1976 3