If You Think This Is Freedom, You’ve Forgotten What Life Was Once Like Peter Hitchens 14 Jul 21 1116 7
Why Was It OK for Ukraine to Break Away from the USSR, but Not for Crimea to Break Away from Ukraine? "At the time, it seemed as if pretty much anyone could declare independence from Moscow. But nobody could declare independence from Ukraine. Or else." Peter Hitchens 22 Apr 21 2267 9
Doomsday CultsThe Covid Rouge When Police Start Raiding Our Churches, You Know the Revolution Is On "I am more and more sure that this country is suffering a revolution in which much that we used to know and believe is being quietly, insistently destroyed." Peter Hitchens 12 Apr 21 3126 21
I’ve Had the COVID Jab — and All It Cost Me Was My Freedom "The New Jerusalem, in which we allow the state to boss us around even more, in the name of our own good, is now coming into being" Peter Hitchens 1 Mar 21 2181 15
No One Better Try to Force Apart Mourners at My Funeral "The average hyena would have the sensitivity to stay out of the way. But these fanatics have no shame and no manners." Peter Hitchens 15 Oct 20 502 2
The Covid Rouge The Long Retreat of Law, Reason and Freedom Has Turned Into a Rout "Outside total war and its obscenities, we have not seen what we are living through now" Peter Hitchens 26 Sep 20 904 7
Can’t We Put These Power-Mad Clowns of the Johnson Junta in a Nice Rest Home? Peter Hitchens 22 Sep 20 923 15
The Covid Rouge How the Government Is Wading Into the Swamp of Despotism – One Muzzle at a Time "They are there to humiliate, to cancel individuality and to indicate assent – forced or otherwise – to the crazy policy of trying to treat a virus with naked state power" Peter Hitchens 13 Sep 20 945 7
The Covid Rouge The Muzzle Is a Badge of Subservience and Submission "Anyone who dons it publicly is agreeing to the Government’s crazy assessment of the level of danger" Peter Hitchens 19 Jul 20 6973 45
Forget Face Masks and Fear – Let’s Relax and Accept the Risk "They have been terrified almost out of their minds by foolish government propaganda, and the most basic trust, the very heart of civilisation, has been destroyed" Peter Hitchens 13 Jul 20 2655 1
We’ve All Turned From Normal Humans Into Muzzled Masochists "The rest of us are, as each day goes by, a persecuted minority, forced to go along with beliefs we do not hold" Peter Hitchens 7 Jul 20 1917 0
As the Left Now Controls Every Lever of Power, the Blairite Maoist Takeover of Britain Is Only a Matter of Time "Do not worry too much about the statues which are now coming down. ... Worry more about the ones they are soon going to be putting up, and what they will represent" Peter Hitchens 14 Jun 20 940 11
Covid Stone Age The Strangling of the Economy Does Threaten the NHS, Life and Health – According to the Government That Strangled It Who knew? Peter Hitchens 13 May 20 141 0
Has Our Maoist Mass House Arrest During COVID-19 Saved Even a Single Life? Because it certainly has killed a lot of people and will kill more Peter Hitchens 11 May 20 845 3
There’s Powerful Evidence This Great Panic Is Foolish, Yet Our Freedom Is Still Broken and Our Economy Crippled Looking at different countries there is absolutely no pattern between what repression governments undertake and outcome Peter Hitchens 31 Mar 20 1140 11
The Great Hysteria Pandemic The Irrepressible Peter Hitchens Is on Fire and Slapping Covid Bed-Wetters Silly "Is this now a banana republic or a comic-opera police state?" Peter Hitchens 24 Mar 20 1091 6