Sink the New World Order Tax! DC can't hike without losing revenue so Empire's minions will be forced to hike alongside it Pat Buchanan 16 Oct 21 515 3
Where Did All Those “Capitalist Pigs” Go? Billionaires have figured out the faux lefties are exceedingly easy to buy off Pat Buchanan 11 May 21 551 5
Will War Derail Trump’s Reelection? This generation has had its fill of wars, by courting conflict Trump may be digging his own 2020 grave Pat Buchanan 1 Jan 20 622 3
Is Macron Right? Is NATO at 70 Brain Dead? The US has been handing out war guarantees like candy. One day one of them is going to be called upon Pat Buchanan 27 Nov 19 395 4
When Did Ukraine Become a ‘Critical Ally’? The only critical interest America has in the Ukraine is that it does not plunge it into a war with Russia Pat Buchanan 15 Nov 19 688 6
Empire Woes US Carrier Sent to Intimidate Iran Instead Keeps a Safety Distance of 600 Nautical Miles Guess who rules the Persian Gulf? Pat Buchanan 27 Aug 19 940 8