Russophobia — The Wokest Form of Racism "Imperialism thrives on racism... it gives our own Putins in power the license they seek for atrocity." Nicky Reid 10 Apr 22 1021 2
“Joe Biden Wanted His ‘Peace’ and To Eat the Malnourished Bones of Starving Children Too.” We were promised Yemen peace? Here's what that looks like Nicky Reid 5 Mar 22 947 4
‘Why I’m Still (Kind of) Rooting for China in the New Cold War’ "China is just big enough to beat the American Empire without being big enough to replace the American Empire" Nicky Reid 29 Jun 21 564 9
Empire’s Essential Monsters "Mohamed Bin Salman aka MBS seemed like the perfect monster to bring this vile tradition into the 21st Century and for a minute he was" Nicky Reid 2 Jun 21 842 6
We Need to Talk About Destroying America "America, for all its sins has a proud tradition of both individual and collective resistance to its own tyranny" Nicky Reid 30 May 21 1155 14
Our Benevolent Empire Oh Sweet Lord Satan, Is This Really How It Ends? After Twenty Long Years… Is This Finally Mercifully It? "And just like that, on September 11, 2021, this forever nightmare is over. Yeah, I'm not fucking buying it either." Nicky Reid 27 Apr 21 1732 5
Imperial Suicide by Taliban "The great American suicide will create the greatest vacuum the world has ever seen, like the fall of ten Romes" Nicky Reid 12 Mar 21 776 1
Should Iran Even Take Us Back? "The only country who has done more business with Al-Qaeda than Arabia is America because instability is good for our business of international domination, and Iran is just way too stable to be trusted" Nicky Reid 20 Feb 21 145 1
Adventures in TrumpiaOur Benevolent Empire Donald Trump Is the Greatest American President Ever — At Undermining the Empire With His Failures This most American president is unintentionally also the best one Nicky Reid 27 Aug 20 1222 25
America Has a Long Tradition of Phony Peace Deals, Trump’s With the Taliban Is Just the Latest Just the latest practitioner of the art of the phony peace deal Nicky Reid 16 Mar 20 453 6
Socialism Without Anti-Imperialism: A Different Flavor of Tyranny "...has coincided ominously with a wave of open liberal imperialism defined by...militarist creep-a-zoids like Adam Schiff" Nicky Reid 24 Feb 20 695 10
With Bernie Derangement Syndrome Clintonism Has Officially Become a Mental Illness They're so afraid of a total pushover they would rather throw 2020 than allow a level playing field for the only candidate Trump fears Nicky Reid 28 Jan 20 478 5
Opinion Everything Great About America Has Been Brought About by Those Who Resisted Its Foul Government "You'll have to forgive me if I have trouble finding something to love about a rabid ax murderer like Uncle Sam" Nicky Reid 17 Dec 19 608 6
Our Benevolent Empire Behind Ukrainegate Is the Conspiracy Theory That Russia Is at War With Ukraine Ukraine is at war with its own people Nicky Reid 10 Dec 19 885 1
This May Have Been the Final Time America Screwed Over the Kurds If the post-Marxist Kurds now align themselves against their betrayers Nicky Reid 14 Oct 19 910 9
Are ‘Rogue Nation’ Nukes Good for Peace? Hell yes they are. Also good for getting kids with leukemia medicine Nicky Reid 15 Jul 19 422 1