Congratulations US Worker! You Make 13 Cents More per Hour Than You Did in 1973 But now you have Netflix Mike “Mish” Shedlock 17 Mar 21 1103 7
Covid Stone Age Oil Is Back at $40, but US Production Is Down 20% From Peak Price has more to do with decline in OPEC+ and US production (and China filling up its storage) than a speedy lockdown recovery Mike “Mish” Shedlock 22 Jun 20 493 11
Covid Stone AgeThe Flat Curve Society Congressional Budget Office: Will Take the US 10 Years to Catch Up to Where It Would Have Been Without Lockdowns Our growth and prosperity to remain suppressed for at least another decade Mike “Mish” Shedlock 12 Jun 20 630 3
$30 Oil Is a Whopping $20 Below Cost of Production for US Shale The average fracking operation needs $50 oil to break even Mike “Mish” Shedlock 11 Mar 20 1246 8
Trade War Joys JSW Steel, Once a Huge Backer of Trump Tariffs, Just Filed a Lawsuit Against Them Steel tariffs hurt US steelworks Mike “Mish” Shedlock 26 Feb 20 720 5
Trade War Joys Trump’s Steel Tariffs Start Cascade of Downstream Pain Have backfired in a spectacular way Mike “Mish” Shedlock 7 Feb 20 1184 3
Orders at Boeing Drop to a 16-Year Low, Making a Trump War on Airbus That Much More Likely Another excuse for Trump to expand economic conflict onto Euro-poodle "allies" Mike “Mish” Shedlock 15 Jan 20 672 2
Trade War Joys Trump’s Amazing Trade Deal: Details a Complete Mystery At long last we have a deal. And it's an amazing one. For everybody. What's in the deal, however, is a secret Mike “Mish” Shedlock 14 Dec 19 795 2
Trade War Joys China No Longer Needs US Parts in Its Phones US tech companies are getting the go-ahead to resume business with Huawei, but it's already too late Mike “Mish” Shedlock 2 Dec 19 2594 5
Those Pesky Chinese How Badly Overstated Are China’s and America’s GDPs? Mike “Mish” Shedlock 22 Oct 19 742 3
Adventures in Trumpia Trump Fires Bolton After “Disagreeing Strongly With His Suggestions”: Good Riddance It took far too long to happen; let's see who Trump finds that is even more horrible Mike “Mish” Shedlock 10 Sep 19 939 6
Trade War Joys EU Car Manufacturers Caught in Crossfire of Trump’s Trade War Producing cars in the US for export to China turns out not be the greatest plan ever Mike “Mish” Shedlock 6 Sep 19 656 2
Trade War Joys Trump Gives Huawei Another 90-Day Reprieve: Who Is Afraid of Trade War Escalation? Trump is giving Huawei all the time in the world to prepare Mike “Mish” Shedlock 19 Aug 19 822 4
Trump Is Making Vietnam Great Again Manufacturing left the US for structural reasons, it can not be simply bullied into coming back Mike “Mish” Shedlock 18 Jul 19 720 2
Goodbye Petrodollar Could Facebook’s Libra Threaten State Control of Money? Congress Sure Is Acting Like It Could Congress hates the idea so violently it is even feigning citizen "privacy" concerns Mike “Mish” Shedlock 26 Jun 19 333 4
Trade War Joys Investigating Trump’s Trade War Through the Eyes of China For the Chinese it's an assault on global economic growth, the international commercial civiliaztion, and China's sovereignty Mike “Mish” Shedlock 10 Jun 19 548 3
Adventures in Trumpia Dear President Trump: Do What You Will, Just Shut Up Already Enough with the tweets, just make up your mind Mike “Mish” Shedlock 4 Jun 19 529 4
Adventures in Trumpia After Mexico Tariffs No Agreement With Trump Is Worth the Paper It’s Written On Hilarious. Trump torpedoed his own trade deal with Mexico, Canada before it was even ratified Mike “Mish” Shedlock 3 Jun 19 767 7
Trade War Joys If Huawei Ban Was Supposed to Stop Spying It’s Seriously Miguided That's not how you do it Mike “Mish” Shedlock 26 May 19 546 6
Trade War Joys China Banning US Purchases of Rare Earths Is a Realistic Retaliation Option That Would Sting Like Hell Yes, rare earths are not actually that rare. No, there won't be a rare-earths separation plant in the US any time soon Mike “Mish” Shedlock 21 May 19 1518 7
Adventures in Trumpia Dear President Trump: Stop the Damn Trade Lies The US did not "lose $500bn". The US received $500bn of goods and services it didn't pay for with goods or services in the other direction Mike “Mish” Shedlock 13 May 19 748 1
Trump Asks China to Shift Soybean Tariffs to Something Else — If We Didn’t Know They Hurt Before Trump confirms agriculture tarrifs hit where it hurt him — by asking China to shift them Mike “Mish” Shedlock 16 Apr 19 906 3
The Coming US-EU Trade War Promises to Be Delicious Indeed Trump is already selling a China deal as his personal triumph, which means he is going to need a new trading bad guy for 2020 Mike “Mish” Shedlock 13 Apr 19 902 2
Scrap Metal Pilling Up, Recycling Failures Across the US Since China Passed Tariffs, Bans on US Garbage, Scrap Without China as a buyer US municipalities can no longer afford to be recycling Mike “Mish” Shedlock 20 Mar 19 473 0