“Russians Do Not Have the Manpower to Sustain This War…” "The force quality is going to continue to deteriorate." Michael Kofman 11 Sep 22 740 3
Tons of Metal, Little Manpower — How Putin Went to War in Ukraine Without Infantry "The effect on Russia’s ability to operate in urban terrain, support armor with dismounted infantry, and control terrain was profound" Michael Kofman 3 Jun 22 1689 3
Russian Army Is Attempting to Fight a Major Conventional War at Partial Manning Michael Kofman 16 May 22 1249 7
There Will Be No Limited War. Russia Will Go Big Expect the Russian version of "shock and awe" Michael Kofman 21 Feb 22 2374 9
A Large War in Europe Is Now the Most Probable Outcome "There will not be further strategic warning ahead of an offensive." Michael Kofman 25 Jan 22 3319 36
The Armenia-Azerbaijan War Holds Many Lessons for NATO Militaries — That They Won’t Like One Bit Unlike Russia they don't have nearly enough air defense support units to survive the modern battlefield Michael Kofman 6 Apr 21 1347 2
Donbass War Russia’s Military Buildup Next to Donbass Is Intended to Be Seen The real offensive you would never see coming. This isn't preparation for an attack but a message to Kiev and the West Michael Kofman 4 Apr 21 2165 17
Those Pesky Russians Can Russia Keep Up With the West Militarily? In a word, yes. Western observers are anticipating a manpower, funding or material implosion in vain Michael Kofman 28 Sep 20 1246 25
Western Military Thought Persists in Self-Comforting Delusions on Russian A2/AD They do not even understand no such doctrine exists in the Russian military, its recipe is entirely different Michael Kofman 28 Jan 20 2285 9
Those Pesky Russians Of Russia’s New Hypersonic Wonder-Weapons the Avangard Boost-Glider Is the Least Immediately Useful It is but insurance for the future 20-30 years from now in the unlikely scenario the US is able to field a ballistic missile shield that actually works Michael Kofman 27 Jan 20 1411 5
Those Pesky Russians Fixation on A2/AD Totally Misunderstands Russian Military Strategy for Conflict With NATO Russia won't passively sit behind an unlikely defensive bubble, which is a recipe for defeat, but will strike out to nip US operations in the bud Michael Kofman 5 Sep 19 2013 4
Su-57s Aren’t as Stealthy as F-22s — They’re Not Trying to Be. Russia Has a Totally Different Design Philosophy US is betting the farm on stealth — for Russia it's just one of a number of considerations Michael Kofman 29 May 19 7683 9
Those Pesky Russians Russian Defense Spending Is Much Larger, and More Sustainable Than It Seems Converting the Russian defense spending to dollars at exchange rates is meaningless Michael Kofman 12 May 19 1712 2
The Collapsing Russian Defense Budget and Other Fairy Tales Recent reports of a 20 or 25 percent drop in funding for the Russian military are based on faulty calculations Michael Kofman 12 Jun 18 561 1