IvermerckStay Classy MSM Merck Pill Accused of Ivermectinism by the Vaccine Taliban Media "We’re becoming a nation of totalitarian nitwits, speaking in a borrowed lexicon of mandatory phrases and smelling heresy in anyone who doesn’t." Matt Taibbi 12 Oct 21 633 5
Why Has “Ivermectin” Become a Dirty Word? “I think what happened is that at the outset of the pandemic, it was decided that all information must go in one direction, from the Gods of Science down” Matt Taibbi 22 Jun 21 772 3
The Sovietization of the American Press "The new, cleaved media landscape advances the same tiny intersection of elite opinion, except in the post-Trump era, that strip fits inside one party" Matt Taibbi 29 Mar 21 1885 3
The Covid Rouge Covid-19 Promises a Historic Windfall for Big Pharma Profiteers in a Riskless, Subsidy-Laden Scam "It is an unprecedented profiteering opportunity, because most everyone on Earth is destined to become a customer of some kind" Matt Taibbi 19 Aug 20 894 7
America’s Stats-Obsessed “Broken Window” Policing Brings Occupation to Poor Neighborhoods For prestige of fashionable power-crazed social engineers and profit of the justice-prison complex Matt Taibbi 10 Jun 20 1138 3
The Inevitable Coronavirus Censorship Crisis Is Here "The WMD fiasco happened because journalists listened to people with military ranks and titles instead of demanding evidence" Matt Taibbi 4 May 20 912 5
The Second Indictment of Assange Is so Deranged It Just Must be 7D Chesss. Only It’s Not The only reason anyone normal would hit Assange with all of those is if they were trying to get London to deny extradition Matt Taibbi 1 Jun 19 454 4