Liz Cheney’s Political Career Is Over. Good Riddance! "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away—i.e. 12 years ago—Cheney would have been portrayed in the media as a genocidal warlord" Matt Purple 11 May 21 1102 8
Afghanistan Buries Another Empire What would have been unthinkable 20 years ago is today a very real possibility: a Taliban victory Matt Purple 2 Mar 21 1220 23
Our Elites Couldn’t ‘Reset’ a Wall Outlet, Let Alone the Global Economy "Populists warn about the evils of Davos Man; I’m starting to wonder whether he could successfully back a car out of a garage" Matt Purple 12 Dec 20 708 2
Imperial Capital Hawkish Republicans Set to Bury Trump’s Afghan Ambassador Nominee They don't want to publicly oppose Trump's nominee. And if they never vote on it, they won't have to Matt Purple 29 Sep 20 196 1
Our Benevolent Empire America: Too Weak to Rein in Its Own Empire Which has long stopped being a net positive for it Matt Purple 18 Jun 20 1066 3