Racket Ain’t Over, Now mRNA Will “Cure Cancer” mRNA injection that "cures cancer" isn't a "vaccine" Laura Donnelly 4 Feb 22 2216 21
The Covid Rouge Here Comes the New Scare: Flu Deaths Could Hit 50-Year High “Experts Say” Media, pharmaceutical, and lockdown complexes getting ready to double-dip Laura Donnelly 8 Oct 21 1225 7
Mind Virus-19 It Took a Data Leak to Reveal Huge Portion of UK “COVID Hospitalizations” Are Admitted for Something Else "Nearly 18 months into the Covid crisis, it is absurd that data breaking down hospital admissions still isn't publicly available on a regular basis" Laura Donnelly 27 Jul 21 1549 3
UK: Nearly Half of COVID Patients in Some Hospitals Were Infected After Admission 18 percent nationally Laura Donnelly 5 Nov 20 909 2
Mind Virus-19 Boris Johnson’s Lockdown Killed 21,000 Britons in First 8 Weeks Alone Study Finds A government hasn't killed this many British civilians since the Blitz Laura Donnelly 30 Jul 20 1767 5
22 Percent of UK’s Hospitalized COVID Patients Caught the Virus in Hospital Over 50 percent of deaths are from care homes, and over 10 percent are from hospital infections Laura Donnelly 8 Jul 20 643 0