US to Send Bradleys, Germany Marders, and France AMX-10 to Ukraine US and Germany will each send a battery of Patriots Lara Seligman 6 Jan 23 678 2
Our Benevolent EmpireRogue State USA US Claims Right to Prevent Persia From Delivering Persian Missile Boats to Venezuela Apparently the US owns the boats Lara Seligman 5 Jun 21 1032 8
Our Benevolent Empire In New Delhi Austin ‘Urges’ India Not to Buy Russian Air Defenses or Risk US Sanctions 'Threatening one’s prospective allies with sanctions is not the conventional way in which alliances are built' Lara Seligman 22 Mar 21 1022 3
London and Paris to Send Fully 30 Extra Soldiers to Syria After Trump Request UK and France make a show of obedience to Imperial whims while actually declining to let Trump offload the lead role in Syria partition and occupation on them Lara Seligman 10 Jul 19 563 1
NATO Squabbles Turkish Pilots Grounded From F-35 Training as Erdogan Not Ditching S-400 Will be deported by July 31 if Turkey doesn't fold Lara Seligman 11 Jun 19 319 0