Lithuania Wants to Be a New Outpost of the American Empire From provocations against China to building a base in hopes the Americans will come Kelley Vlahos 17 Oct 21 534 7
End of an Era? Afghanistan Is Now Graveyard of Contractors, Too. They formed their own shadow army, some 90,000 in the country at its peak, but their problematic predomination is coming to an end. Kelley Vlahos 3 May 21 1147 6
The Generals Are Among the Last People Who Can Lecture Us About Morality and Truth From their mouths attacks on Trump sound more like a recommendation Kelley Vlahos 27 Sep 20 601 8
General Milley Checks on His Troops…on the Streets of D.C. The Empire comes home? Kelley Vlahos 2 Jun 20 1052 0
Our Benevolent Empire US DoJ Drooling Over Likely Assange Extradition No justice where poodles reign Kelley Vlahos 26 Feb 20 273 6
Our Benevolent Empire DC Wants Americans to Worship Servicemen and Veterans but Treats Them Like Trash Itself Still stalling, hoping Iraq veterans sick from the burn pits die off so it doesn't have to pay for their care Kelley Vlahos 15 Dec 19 653 13
History Meet American Empire’s “Doctor Death”, the CIA’s Own Joseph Mengele "Sidney Gottlieb never became a household name, mostly because he never paid for his crimes" Kelley Vlahos 13 Dec 19 3840 9
Our Benevolent Empire Was Sheldon Adelson Acting as Bag Man for the CIA? It looks like illegal surveillance of Assange was being hand-delivered to US agency via Adelson's Sands casino Kelley Vlahos 4 Dec 19 451 2
Our Benevolent Empire Kids Born on 9/11 Are Applying for Colleges Today. Why Hasn’t ‘Mastermind’ Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Gone to Trial Yet? One word: torture Kelley Vlahos 11 Sep 19 388 5
Adventures in Trumpia Fox in the Henhouse: Shanahan Is Industry’s Man in the Pentagon Bad news for the American taxpayer and actual military effectivness. Great news for the eventual bankruptcy of the Empire Kelley Vlahos 22 May 19 618 2
How Wartime Washington Lives in Luxury Meet the class profiting from the growth of the US national-security state — and displacing modest communities around DC to cover them with their McMansion sprawl Kelley Vlahos 20 Apr 19 560 0