Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is a Mirage. It Doesn’t Actually Exist. "There is no mandate to haul into court. And that may be part of the plan." Joy Pullmann 10 Oct 21 5925 10
The Covid Rouge The Top Reason I Hate Masks Is They Force Me to Live By Lies "It reminds people where they are living and what is expected of them. It tells them what everyone else is doing, and indicates to them what they must do as well" Joy Pullmann 8 Sep 21 827 3
Mind Virus ResistanceThe Flat Curve Society Left Attacks Scott Atlas for Saying Same Things About COVID as the New York Times, Six Months Earlier Not good to be ahead of the curve when the cult freaks come around Joy Pullmann 21 Nov 20 730 4
The Covid Rouge Kentucky to Record License Plates at Easter Services for Future Persecution #StayAtHome is cancer Joy Pullmann 12 Apr 20 562 4