Dissident Blogger Imprisoned on Bizarre Charges — Quick, Ready Sanctions and Get NATO on the Phone! Oh wait, it's a British blogger, move on, nothing to see here Jonathan Cook 4 Aug 21 803 4
Assange Wins. The Cost: The Crushing of Press Freedom, and the Labeling of Dissent as Mental Illness "The far more likely truth is that they sounded out the incoming Biden team and received permission to forgo an immediate ruling in favor of extradition – on a technicality" Jonathan Cook 8 Jan 21 541 2
Our Benevolent EmpireStay Classy MSM For Years, Journalists Cheered Assange’s Abuse. Now They’ve Paved His Path to a US Gulag "The sole justification for this relentless attack on press freedom is that a 49-year-old man published documents exposing US war crimes" Jonathan Cook 3 Sep 20 685 0
Our Benevolent Empire Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Won’t Bring Peace – That Was the Plan "That is why the plan includes a host of unrealisable preconditions before what remains of Palestine can be recognised" Jonathan Cook 5 Feb 20 472 2