The Day that Trump Panicked, and Wrecked His Presidency "Trump didn’t act like Trump. Trump lost his nerve. We suffer to varying degrees his inability to be true to himself last March to this very day. The problem was that Trump panicked." John Tamny 1 Apr 21 5955 35
The Flat Curve Society Would You Support the Lockdowns if It Meant Losing Your Own Job? "Belief in the corona-religion is thin, but much worse, it’s gutless. People believe as long their jobs and their businesses aren’t being destroyed" John Tamny 16 Feb 21 233 3
Lockdown Stone Age I’m Sorry, but the Economy Is What’s Keeping You Alive Economy is life. "Poverty is easily the biggest killer man has ever known. Nothing else comes close." John Tamny 27 Sep 20 579 17
The Flat Curve Society Are Lockdowns an Election-Year Ransom Note? Until President Harris is in the White House your life will be miserable John Tamny 21 Sep 20 410 5
The Covid Rouge An Actual Plague Wouldn’t Have Required a Government Response If you're having to force folks to take plague precautions with violence you probably don't have a plague John Tamny 4 Sep 20 6851 0