Telegram Gains 25 Million New Users Thanks to Dissatisfaction Over WhatsApp’s New Privacy Policy The Russian-owned chat app claims that since its launching in August 2013, it “hasn’t disclosed a single byte of our users’ private data to third parties” Finance Twitter 20 Jan 21 598 0
Kick Them When They’re Down: China Deepens Australia’s Recession for Toeing the Trump Line In a shot across the bow China targets Australian iron, coal, cotton, barley, wine Finance Twitter 19 Oct 20 1489 79
FAA Calculated Boeing 737 MAX Could Crash 15 Times and Kill 3,000 People — But Allowed It to Keep Flying The chutzpah! If this is the level of Boeing-government corruption in the civilian sector imagine the shenanigans on defense deals Finance Twitter 13 Dec 19 1294 5
Bonesaw Saudis Saudi Arabia’s Aramco IPO Is a Bad Buy Who wants to be on the hook to finance the Saudi budget? Finance Twitter 20 Nov 19 573 4
Those Pesky Chinese By Year End the US Will Have 10,000 5G Base Stations. China Will Have 150,000 It's been centuries since somebody held a technological edge over the West like this Finance Twitter 27 Sep 19 1888 5
Those Pesky Chinese Carried by Patriotism Huawei’s Market Share Hits Record 38% in China Now selling six times as many smartphone devices at home as Apple Finance Twitter 31 Jul 19 901 0
Trade War Joys Trump’s Trade War Cease-Fire With China the Result of His Weakness He's playing a weak hand — badly Finance Twitter 2 Jul 19 1343 6
China Sticks to Boycott of US Meat Despite Swine Fever Losses, Kickstarts Russian Exports China's cancellation's of imports from US may give rise to a Russian pork export industry Finance Twitter 8 Jun 19 826 3
Trade War Joys Trump Is Bluffing – He Will Not Let the Stock Market Collapse, and He Lied About Forcing China to Pay $100 Billion As soon as Dow Jones took a dive Trump started to reverse himself Finance Twitter 13 May 19 1172 4
As Revenue Hits $100 Billion, Huawei Chairman Says US Gov’t Has a “Loser’s Attitude”, Poor “Table Manners” "The US government has a loser’s attitude. It wants to smear Huawei because it cannot compete against us" Finance Twitter 31 Mar 19 784 2
After 100 Billion Yuan, China’s & World’s Longest Sea Bridge Is Now Completed Another engineering marvel from the future superpower Finance Twitter 10 Jan 18 1262 2
Unhappy With Moon, China Makes a U-Turn and Bans South Korea… Again Moon pays the price for not having the backbone to say 'no' to the US after all Finance Twitter 21 Dec 17 1062 0
Game of Bluffing – US Orders China to Cut off Oil to North Korea, Or Else… Once again Nikki Haley is writing checks the US can't cash Finance Twitter 30 Nov 17 780 0
Saudi Ruler Offers Princes: “Give Me 70% of Your Wealth and I Stop Torturing You” Bin Salman's "anti-corruption drive" turns out to be an inventive shakedown scheme Finance Twitter 19 Nov 17 1416 1
Soon, China Will Buy Saudi Oil Only In Yuan Russia has been winning Saudi market share because it is already willing to accept yuan Finance Twitter 12 Oct 17 1389 0
Trump Is Gambling With the Lives of Tens of Thousands of South Koreans Trump has shown the world, again, how dumb a US president could be if he tries hard enough Finance Twitter 26 Sep 17 678 1