Russia Eyes Cleaning Up Its Arctic Waters of Radioactive Risks, Raise 2 Nuclear Submarines and 1000 Other Relics Hazardous legacy of the Cold War and the 1990s to be cleaned up Charles Digges 17 Feb 20 803 2
RuSsIa DoEsN'T MaKe AnYtHiNg World’s Largest Icebreaker Starts Sea Trials The first in a class of five. At 33,000 tons and 175 MW it's the size of a WWII battleship the most powerful civilian ship in the world Charles Digges 16 Dec 19 1368 8
Those Pesky Chinese Pompeo Tries to Evict China From the Arctic. It’s Not Going to Happen "Polar Silk Road" is a go and the other Arctic nations understand they only have to gain from it Charles Digges 9 Jun 19 986 3