Our Former Benevolent Empire ‘Elizabeth Will Die Soon and Then We’ll Have a “King” And It Will Be Hilarious’ "It’s about the silliest thing you could possibly come up with, and it’s going to be happening" Caitlin Johnstone 16 Nov 21 1504 16
US Officials Can Guard Against Havana Syndrome With This Innovative Home Solution "Be thorough now; you don’t want to let Russian brain phasers turn you into an idiot" Caitlin Johnstone 22 Oct 21 939 3
Our Benevolent Empire Watch Scott Horton’s One-Sided Debate Beatdown Of Warmonger Bill Kristol "By the end of it you almost feel bad for old Bill" Caitlin Johnstone 11 Oct 21 779 3
Stay Classy MSM Where Was All the Investigative Journalism on Empire’s Airstrikes the Last 20 Years? NYT investigation forces Pentagon to admit a civilian massacre Caitlin Johnstone 19 Sep 21 459 7
Australia Joins Military Pact With US and UK for the Coordination of Escalation vs China "Australia is not aligned with the US to protect itself from China. Australia is aligned with the US to protect itself from the US" Caitlin Johnstone 17 Sep 21 621 7
Stay Classy MSM Did You Know That NATO Stormtroopers Went to Afghanistan to Hold Up Little Bitty Babies? Honest to God truth by the MSM Caitlin Johnstone 28 Aug 21 1666 8
Our Benevolent Empire Bush-Era War Criminals Are Louder Than Ever Because They’ve Lost The Argument Caitlin Johnstone 24 Aug 21 2000 18
US Again Bombs Nations on Other Side of the World in “Self-Defense” The US "defending" itself in your home Caitlin Johnstone 29 Jun 21 444 3
DNC MascotHologram President How Is the US Even a Democracy? Biden’s Mental Decline Shows American Democracy Is a Delusion If the guy the demos elected isn't there yet the system marches on just fine regardless then how the masses cast their votes isn't all that important... Caitlin Johnstone 15 Jun 21 1981 18
The US Isn’t an Israeli Puppet, Israel Isn’t a US Puppet: It’s One Empire "Saying one puppets the other is like saying Ohio puppets Nevada" Caitlin Johnstone 24 May 21 649 5
Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation Is the Only Thing Keeping Mainstream Media Alive 'Tech giants are the life support system of corporate media propaganda' Caitlin Johnstone 8 May 21 735 2
Not SatireOur Benevolent Empire US Forces in Syria Fire a Howitzer Into the Empty Desert Twice Weekly “Just to Say We’re Here” What would we ever do without the Americans firing howitzers into the empty desert of illegally occupied nations? Caitlin Johnstone 16 Apr 21 813 3
Our Benevolent Empire The Entire World Should Be Laughing at America for Pretending to Care About Muslims in China Caitlin Johnstone 29 Mar 21 1125 5
US Intelligence Warns Withdrawal Could Lead to Afghanistan Being Controlled by Afghans "Suggesting that the Afghan security forces remain fragile despite years of training by the American military and billions of dollars in US funding" Caitlin Johnstone 28 Mar 21 990 6
Breaking: Anonymous Sources Say US-Targeted Government Did an Invisible Bad Thing “The evidence is classified,” the source added, anonymously. “It’s secret, invisible evidence.” Caitlin Johnstone 25 Mar 21 1878 2
US Bombs Syria and Somehow Claims “Defense” Didn't you know the whole planet was property of Washington DC? Caitlin Johnstone 27 Feb 21 698 3
Our Benevolent Empire America Keeps Claiming Governments It Hates Are Paying Bounties on US Troops in Afghanistan "Pretty soon they’ll be telling us that bounties are being paid on US troops in Afghanistan by....Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Hezbollah" Caitlin Johnstone 4 Jan 21 621 4
Stay Classy MSM Secret, Invisible Evidence of Russian Hacking Is Not Actually Evidence “Of course they can’t *show* us the evidence!” Caitlin Johnstone 18 Dec 20 596 20
Our Benevolent Empire Surprise! America Is Getting Another Psycho for Secretary of State The head of America's 2nd department of war Caitlin Johnstone 25 Nov 20 745 4
Our Benevolent Empire Biden Will Likely Be Worse Than Obama. The Left Must Lead the Backlash or Become Irrelevant Guess which one they'll choose Caitlin Johnstone 20 Nov 20 930 10
Our Benevolent Empire DC Murder Empire Now Under Competent Management "US political leaders are so revered by the media and so normalized on our screens that it’s easy to forget how many children they’ve killed" Caitlin Johnstone 11 Nov 20 783 6
Hmm… America Keeps Getting Attacked by Nations It Hates in Ways Only the CIA Can See Caitlin Johnstone 26 Oct 20 1332 25