The Covid Rouge Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It? "They understand to some extent that they are helping in the destruction of other people’s freedoms…and they revel in it" Brandon Smith 20 Aug 21 1935 32
Economic War With China Is the Final Step Before the “Great Reset” The public isn't quite ready yet to embrace the neo-feudal future, more crises are needed Brandon Smith 13 Sep 20 2057 8
Cold Hard Truths China Doesn’t Depend on the US Consumer and Manufacturing Jobs Are Not Coming Back Nor will the rest of the world turn its back on China's cheap export market for America's taped out consumer Brandon Smith 6 Sep 19 1622 12
Bubblegeddon Why Is the Media Suddenly Admitting That Recession Threat Is Real? Trump (and Brexit) are providing perfect cover for the central banks to crash the economy without receiving any of the blame Brandon Smith 27 Aug 19 611 2