Biden’s Strike on Iraqi Government Militias in Syria Still Reliant on the 2002 “Permission” to Invade Iraq Unknowingly the Congress in 2002 voted to allow the third President after Bush to bomb Syria in 2021 Barbara Boland 1 Mar 21 279 3
Our Benevolent Empire Top 50 US Think Tanks Receive Over $1b From Gov, Defense Contractors The military-industrial complex greases supposedly neutral US think tanks to the tune of over $1 billion a year Barbara Boland 16 Oct 20 882 6
Our Benevolent Empire Our Foreign Policy Nightmare: Vice President Susan Rice Libya, Syria, Afghanistan—Rice was at the table for every Obama debacle. And she has no solid positions of her own Barbara Boland 29 Jul 20 705 3
Our Benevolent Empire ‘Zombie Neocon’: How Elliot Abrams Is Leading Trump Policy on Venezuela Iran-Contra architect, godfather to El Salvador death squads, and admitted perjurer Barbara Boland 18 May 20 486 6
Foreign Governments Are Greasing US Think Tank ‘Experts’ With Millions New swamp report: $174 million was poured into the DC influence game over four years—that's double earlier estimates Barbara Boland 1 Feb 20 315 2
Our Benevolent Empire Will Julian Assange Die in Prison? A politica prisoner being tortured before our very eyes by the people who claim moral mastery over the entire world Barbara Boland 9 Nov 19 276 3
Will Boris Johnson Defy Washington on Iran? Britain's new PM opposed Trump on the Iran deal in the past, but he is also a famous flip-flopper Barbara Boland 2 Aug 19 569 3
Adventures in Trumpia Shanahan’s Confirmation as Pentagon Chief Will Make Bolton More Powerful Than Ever The new defense secretary lacks experience, prestige and backbone to challenge anyone Barbara Boland 16 Jun 19 427 5