I Was Pilloried for Being a Lockdown Sceptic – Now It’s Clear I Was Right Suddenly everyone is pretending they were never into lockdowns all that much Allison Pearson 20 Jan 22 1234 3
Lockdown Cost Lockdown and Hysteria to Cause an Extra 10,000-25,000 UK Deaths From Cancer Alone But the public-funded doctors got to enjoy significantly lower workloads for 18 months so it's not all bad Allison Pearson 24 Sep 21 400 3
Tax-Sucking British GPs Have Figured Out How to Use COVID to Not Have to Treat the Public That Pays Their Wages "GPs are improving their work-life balance while worsening the life-death balance of everyone else" Allison Pearson 29 Aug 21 772 5
The COVID Cult Forces the British Queen to Grieve in Brutal Isolation "A woman in her mid-90s is allowed to drive a high-powered car (way to go, Ma’am!), but she is forbidden to show her face to her departing husband, for one last time, or to hold hands with their children at a moment of supreme anguish" Allison Pearson 22 Apr 21 561 4
It’s Time to Let Us Hug Who We Want Whenever We Damn Well Please Dangerous bio-terrorism ideas here Allison Pearson 26 Feb 21 862 5