Guaido Prevents the Use of Frozen Funds for Vaccines
Jan 21 (teleSUR) — The former lawmaker rejected a proposal of the legitimate government to allocate gold blocked in the United Kingdom to anti-COVID-19 vaccines.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza denounced Wednesday that former opposition deputy Juan Guaidó rejected a proposal by the legitimate government of the South American nation to allocate 120 million dollars, illegally withheld in the United Kingdom, to the purchase of anti-Covid-19 vaccines.
In a message disseminated through the social network Twitter, Arreaza detailed that this maneuver constitutes “another proof of the cruelty of Guaidó and his gang”, whom he labeled as “criminals.”
Arreaza added that Guaidó’s rejection of the proposal made by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) has its starting point in the “illegal recognition of the United Kingdom” of his “fictitious and non-existent government.”
The Venezuelan Chancellor added that the refusal, expressed by the opposition’s lawyers, prevents “the Bank of England from releasing the blocked gold of the Venezuelan State” to participate in the Covax vaccination program against the coronavirus.
¡CRIMINALES! Otra prueba de la crueldad de Guaidó y su banda. A partir del reconocimiento ilegal del Reino Unido a un gobierno ficticio e inexistente, impiden que el Banco de Inglaterra libere el oro bloqueado del Estado venezolano para comprar vacunas para el #Covid_19.
“CRIMINALS! Another proof of the cruelty of Guaidó and his gang. From the UK’s illegal recognition of a fictitious and non-existent government, they prevent the Bank of England from releasing the blocked gold of the Venezuelan State to buy vaccines for #COVID-19.”
Organización Sures@SuresDDHHInaceptable. Abogados del ficticio gobierno del ex dip. Guaidó rechazan propuesta del gobierno legítimo de Venezuela para destinar recursos retenidos ilegalmente por el Banco de Inglaterra a la adquisición de las vacunas contra la COVID-19. El pueblo venezolano merece justicia.
Carta en la que abogados del gobierno interino niegan propuesta de usar fondos en @bankofengland para comprar vacunas. "Nuestros clientes no tienen confianza en la disposición o habilidad del régimen de Maduro de justa y efectivamente distribuir el número contemplado de vacunas".
— Francisco Rodríguez (@frrodriguezc) January 20, 2021
Through a press release, the London-based law firm Zaiwalla and Co. confirmed the negative response given by Guaidó’s legal team to the BCV’s proposal.
“The funds should be used for the benefit of the people of Venezuela and the intransigence of Guaidó’s representatives is critically hampering the country’s attempts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic,” stated a lawyer and partner at the law firm, Leigh Crestohl.
On Wednesday, Venezuela’s executive vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, reported that the country counted 121,691 coronavirus infections and 1,122 deaths, as well as 113,982 people cured.
This recovery rate of more than 94 percent is the result of free treatments and other actions deployed by the Bolivarian State, not willing to yield to the pressures of the cruel blockade imposed by the U.S. government and its partners in the European Union.
Source: teleSUR
All politics,,, including the vaccine that isn’t. They just want their money which I can’t blame them there. A recovery rate they admit is 94%,,, probably 99% if you don’t include those over 80 of a disease that has yet been proven to even exist.
If they don’t have an isolated genetic sequence of the virus itself, how can anyone produce a vaccine? This isn’t exactly rocket science. Marks beware…
” The former lawmaker rejected a proposal of the legitimate government to allocate gold blocked in the United Kingdom to anti-COVID-19 vaccines”
An this is bad how?
Ironic, isn’t it. The right thing for the wrong reason.
again anglos demonstrate their mean bitter immorality
Venezuela, Libya, Iraq, Syria, and even dysfunctional Ukraine, all had their gold, silver, bank deposits, lands, and /or their natural resources, stolen by the Americans, Brits, French, and others . I can’t believe guys like Goydo, Poroshenko, Yatsenuk, Navalny, and a dozen others are still walking around and not 6 feet under.
Yes, need to be removed from the face of earth