Global Data: COVID-19 Recovery Rate Approaching 99.9%
With 'record cases' comes a record low death rate

The recovery rate from COVID-19 — the disease that originated in Wuhan, China and was once advertised as the plague of the century — will soon reach 99.9%, and is currently within a range of 99.75%-99.875%, according to the best estimates based on WHO and CDC statistics.
Parallel to the electoral chaos currently enveloping the United States, world governments and legacy media institutions have continued to showcase the rise in reported COVID-19 cases this Fall to bring global COVID panic to even greater heights, despite the death rate from the novel coronavirus continuing its consistent decline to new lows every single week.
As governments across the world remain in a panicked frenzy, with many continuing to invoke brutal draconian lockdowns, and other policies to “stop the spread,” while destroying hundreds of millions of lives, the “deadly virus” that these policies are supposedly designed to fight is becoming more and more mild as each day passes.
By this weekend, the world will have reached close to 50 million reported coronavirus cases, per popular tracking sites such as Worldometer and the Johns Hopkins COVID resource center website.
Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the total number of infections is about 20 times higher than the reported case number. For every reported COVID case, their best guess is that another 20 or so go undetected. When we do the simple math, we find that the real estimated number of COVID cases is approaching 1 billion people worldwide, according to the WHO standard.
While that one billion number may sound scary, consider that number in parallel to the fact that only about 1.25 million global COVID-19 deaths will have been reported by this weekend.
When we extrapolate those two numbers to find the coronavirus death rate (or infection fatality rate), we find ourselves with a 0.125% death rate, and a 99.875% recovery rate, according to WHO estimates.
Even if we went with a much more conservative metric than the WHO standard, and decided to estimate the infection fatality ratio with a low-end guess of 10x more total infections than reported cases (which is the current metric used by the CDC), we’d find ourselves with 500 million cases instead of one billion, and a 0.25% death rate and 99.75% recovery rate.
CDC chief says coronavirus cases may be 10 times higher than reported
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 25, 2020
The CDC and WHO are not outliers. They present the liberal and conservative estimates for the death rate range. And almost every public health institution that has gone on record about total estimated infections places that number at somewhere between 10-20 times the number of confirmed cases. Even the worst of the panic salesmen in the media, government, and “public health” organizations cannot refute the reality that current calculations present a 99.75%-99.875% COVID-19 recovery range.
These individuals and organizations prefer to gin up the panic by discussing the “surge” in cases, while ignoring the fact that very few people are actually having complications from a COVID-19 infection, let alone dying from it. For example, the legacy media and other institutions within the pro-lockdown crowd has been in a total frenzy reporting on the “record number” of newly detected COVID cases.
BREAKING: More than 100,000 Covid-19 cases recorded in the U.S. today, marking the latest single-day record high.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) November 5, 2020
If anyone really wondering why so many people voted by mail, this headline was a terrible reminder. Over 100,000 New COVID-19 Cases in the United States Today, Breaking a Single-Day Record
— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) November 5, 2020
With the increase in the global testing regime has come hundreds of thousands of daily COVID-19 case reports, but when these cases are compared to COVID-19 death statistics, we find a steadily decrease death rate. In fact, the coronavirus death rate has continued its consistent downward trend since early April.
It has become clear that the coronavirus is spreading far and wide, despite many governments’ best efforts to mitigate or suppress it through draconian action. The good news is that with a 99.75%-99.875% current recovery range, we can continue to learn to live with it without continuing to demand for civilization to return to the Dark Ages. We’re not going to “stop the spread” anytime soon. We can, however, get back to normal tomorrow if we decide to follow the science and data in a sober manner.
Source: The Dossier
Here is a good test to give college freshgenders; what is TB. Does it exist? Is it worse than COVID. CAN YOU CATCH IT? ,,,😛
I thought positive tests don’t count as cases.. that cases are when someone is actually symptomatic and being treated in a clinic or hospital?
It seems like the media is conflating cases and mere infections.
That’s right, they’re reporting asymptomatic cases (the vast majority of the population) and conflating them with symptomatic, serious cases and thus painting COVID as a dread killer virus that exists on the same scale as the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918.
The current pandemic has killed 1.25 million people so far – a little more than the number of dead that resulted from the Hong Kong flu pandemic that ran from late 1968 until very early 1970.
As with COVID, the vast majority of the dead were the elderly, the immunocompromised and those with serious co-morbidities, like obesity, diabetes and heart or lung disease.
Yet life went on pretty normally during that pandemic. There were no lockdowns, and people were not ordered to wear masks, nor were they told to engage in social distancing.
The reason why we’re being told to do all these things now is that powerful entities have an agenda that has nothing to do with a virus, and everything to do with seizing power, establishing wide ranging control, and stealing wealth.
You’re absolutely right, Steve, they’re reporting asymptomatic cases (the vast majority of the population) and conflating them with symptomatic, serious cases and thus painting COVID as a dreaded killer virus that exists on the same scale as the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918.
I think you are correct. In all other situations, I’ve read that almost all doctors worldwide classify a case of a disease as including a valid positive test for the disease and symptoms typical of the disease. If I’m wrong, someone can correct me.