Germany Sends a Warship Against Largest Trade Partner to Please Uncle Sam but Wants to Have It Both Ways

"It will, however, refrain from the most severe forms of provocation" & "is seeking to negotiate a stopover in a Chinese port"

With its deployment of the frigate Bayern to East Asia on Monday, Germany is joining the rapid expansion of western war maneuvers in China’s close vicinity.

In the fall, the frigate Bayern will conduct operations for monitoring US sanctions against North Korea and subsequently set off for home through the South China Sea.

The UK Carrier Strike Group led by the new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth had entered the South China Sea already yesterday, after joint exercises also with warships from India and Singapore.

Following naval exercises in the Bay of Bengal in early April, the French armed forces have conducted joint air combat exercises with US jets in Hawaii this month and specially relocated several Rafale fighter jets to its overseas territory French Polynesia in the middle of the South Pacific.

The US air force is currently holding a maneuver that experts view as a realistic trial-run for war with China under contemporary conditions. High-ranking US military officials suggest that war is possible in the near future.

The Tour of the Frigate Bayern

This coming Monday, the frigate Bayern will set off for its tour to East Asia scheduled to last more than half a year. On its way, the frigate will first participate in NATO’s Operation Sea Guardian in the Mediterranean and then in the EU’s Operation Atalanta at the Horn of Africa. After its passage through the Indian Ocean, the tour continues through the Strait of Malacca; port-calls were also planned in allied Australia.[1]

The official highlight will be its participation in monitoring UN sanctions against North Korea. In this context, according to the German government, the frigate Bayern will contribute to the “assessment of the maritime situation” by “observing and reporting suspicious activities and by establishing contact with suspicious ships.”[2]

On its return cruise, the frigate will transit the South China Sea. It will, however, refrain from the most severe forms of provocation, such as transiting the Taiwan Strait and entering the twelve-mile zones around the islands claimed by China.[3]

According to reports, the German government is seeking to negotiate a stopover in a Chinese port. It is not clear whether Beijing will accept this purported gesture of de-escalation.

Permanent Presence in Asia

While the frigate is embarking, the armed forces of other western powers are intensifying their operations in both the South China Sea and the Pacific.

Yesterday, the UK Carrier Strike Group led by the new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth entered the South China Sea. The Strike Group that was joined by war ships from the Netherlands and the USA, and US F-35 fighter jets as well, had previously conducted exercises with the armed forces of Malaysia, Thailand and India and most recently with Singapore’s navy, after being only partially operational due to various cases of Covid-19 and technical problems.[4]

More joint exercises with warships from third countries are planned over the next few days and weeks. The Strike Group will continue its tour through the South China Sea to the Philippine Sea, for a joint exercise with Japanese armed forces, before heading home.[5]

In late August, London will also deploy two patrol boats to Asia, where, according to the British Defense Minister Ben Wallace, the British Navy plans to permanently station two war ships.[6]

Complex Combat Operations

The French military is also expanding its activities in Asia. In early April, for example, together with the militaries of the “Quad” countries (the USA, Japan, Australia, India) France conducted a joint naval maneuver (“Le Perouse”) in the Bay of Bengal ( reported.[7]), and around three weeks ago the “Heifara-Wakea” combat exercise in the middle of the Pacific was ended. Initially, the exercise had involved 3 Rafale fighter jets, an A330 MRTT refueling aircraft, and 2 A400M cargo planes sent from France to Tahiti, with a single stopover at Travis Air Force Base outside San Francisco.

Tahiti is the main island of France’s overseas territory of French Polynesia in the South Pacific. That is where France maintains one of its two Pacific Ocean military bases – the other is in the Southwest Pacific, in New Caledonia.

The French pilots, who had been flying two sorties daily during the maneuvers, finished the exercises with a joint training with US F-22 stealth jets taking off from a base on Hawaii, to the north of French Polynesia.

The maneuver was a rousing success, according to Gen. Philippe Lavigne, the Chief of French Air and Space Force (FASF): “it proved that it is possible to cooperate with allies,” to demonstrate the type of operational credibility needed in high end conflicts in the increasingly competitive Pacific.[8]

“Operation Pacific Iron”

On the other hand, the US military has just redeployed more than two dozen F-22 “Raptor” stealth fighters, ten Boeing F-15E fighter bombers as well as two C-13J “Hercules” cargo planes to the “Operation Pacific Iron” maneuvers in the Western Pacific.

In the event of war, the F-22s would be immediately engaged at the very beginning of combat, to take out enemy air defenses. Experts point out that usually a maximum of 12 of these planes simultaneously participate in exercises[9] – an indication that “Pacific Iron” is of extraordinary significance. Another special feature lies in the fact that the planes will not be taking off from larger US bases in Japan and South Korea, or Guam, but rather from smaller airports on Guam or on the island of Tinian in the Marianas.[10]

This is how the US Air Force is taking into account the fact that China’s military, with its powerful missile forces, is capable of comprehensibly destroying enemy runways in a very short time. Therefore, so as not to lose combat strength, the US Air Force is now redeploying its F-22s to various smaller airfields. It practices “precisely the operations, that it would carry out in the event of a major crisis or a war,” as the former Australian Air Force officer, Peter Layton (today, an expert at the Griffith Asia Institute) was quoted.[11]

War – Already in 2024?

The intensification of western maneuvers and their growing focus on combat missions, which are highly realistic under current circumstances, coincide with prognoses by high-ranking US military officials, predicting that a war between the United States and China is probable in the near future.

For example, recently NATO’s former Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), Ret. Adm. James G. Stavridis, was quoted with the prognosis that “our technology, network of allies and bases in the region, still overmatch China” – for now.[12] However, “by the end of the decade – if not sooner” the People’s Republic “will be in a position” to “challenge the US” at least “in the South China Sea.” Recently Stavridis published a novel in which he depicted a fictional war erupting between the USA and China in 2034.[13]

In the meantime, he considers “we may not have until 2034 to prepare for this battle – it may come much sooner.” Some of his colleagues in the military are predicting that “it is not about 2034,” the Big War could come earlier – possibly even “2024 or 2026.”[14]

Source: German Foreign Policy


[1] See also Die neue deutsche Kanonenbootpolitik (II).

[2] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Sevim Dağdelen, Heike Hänsel, Michael Brandt, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion Die Linke. Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 19/30092. Berlin, 21.05.2021.

[3] See also Die neue deutsche Kanonenbootpolitik (III).

[4] HMS Queen Elizabeth And Carrier Strike Group Pass Through Singapore Strait. 26.07.2021.

[5] UK Carrier Strike Group conducts exercise with Republic of Singapore Navy. 27.07.2021.

[6] Britain to Permanently Deploy 2 Warships in Asian Waters. 20.07.2021.

[7] See also Manöver in Ostasien.

[8] Murielle Delaporte: Inside The ‘Laboratory Of Premieres’ For French Air Power. 12.07.2021.

[9] Gerd Portugall: US-Luftwaffe zeigt ihre “Muskeln” im Westpazifik. 16.07.2021.

[10] Brad Lendon: US Air Force to send dozens of F-22 fighter jets to the Pacific amid tensions with China. 26.07.2021.

[11] Matthias Koch: Der Adler erschreckt den Drachen. 27.07.2021.

[12] James Stavridis: It’s not too soon to prepare for a sea war in Asia. 13.05.2021.

[13] See also Rezension: “2034”.

[14] See also The Big War.

  1. Ultrafart the Brave says

    The imperative question floating around in the background to all of this – is WHY?

    But then, I suppose that collapsing empires just cannot resist thrashing about and trying to take everyone else down with them.

    1. mijj says

      – why? .. because China, as a Runaway Slave State, didn’t submit to the White Supremicist Colonial Rules Based Order.

  2. ken says

    Can anyone believe this stupidity? I know,,, after the last 18 months, stupidity seems the be the norm, but bear with me….

    Go to the store,,, about all we have left in the States is Walmart and take a look on the shelves. 90%+ are made in China. A war would empty those shelves in a week.

    There is no way American businesses, in country, will be able to turn up quick enough to fill the void. Biggest problem is Americans (and most of the West) are unskilled doofuses. Worse they no longer want to work. The Magic Money Tree (MMT) and UBI dontcha know butters their bread.

    The economy and currency would crash overnight! Panic and chaos everywhere.

    And who, pray tell, would replace all the ships China puts on the bottom? If the businesses can’t find skilled workers to make toaster ovens where will they find the skilled workers to build enough warships? (lol)

    Hell,,, we are at peace and the MIC cannot successfully launch a hypersonic missile!

    And then we need manpower. Where are we gonna find ‘men’. You know,,, the kind that do not paint their nails. And males today would immediately identify as pregnant women if a draft was implemented.

    And then we have the vaxxaplague. Cuomo would have to stop killing the olders as those are probably the only ones with any useful skills that might work.

    And there’s Russia. She might want to test a few of her hypersonics that actually work.

    Me thinks we might want to leave China AND Russia alone.

    Edit: Look up the German frigate Bayen and compare to a Chinese frigate. You will note that China won’t be easy prey. And check out China’s Type 055 destroyers. Most of them actually work.

  3. yuri says

    an irrelevant gesture—similar to the cowardice observed by amerikan rat driver who often makes pro-empire comments at this site

    1. Raptar Driver says

      And you make pro israel comments.
      What’s more pro empire than that?
      Just because I don’t say something negative doesn’t mean it is pro.
      You just had to go full retard.

      1. yuri says

        rat driver frequently lies–a peculiar amerikan disease
        “ameikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin
        “ameriikan males feminized by the “tyranny of the school mar’m
        “he was like a girl; he lied for the sake of lying”. Emile Zola
        “Obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon
        rat driver===racist amerikan feminized child
        “amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind puerile and primitive lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to any standardization”. Julius Evola
        “amerikan parents lie to their children; amerikan children lie to their parents –it is expected”. Geoffrey Gorer
        rat driver expert on retard—-more than 30% amerikan puerile impoverished cultureless idiots diagnosed with mental illness—in no civilized nation is it more than 6%
        strashna kysly amerikanski malchik gomik sigda durak
        obviously rat driver has never lived in a civilized society

  4. Raptar Driver says

    Yeah I just think this is saber rattling for the sake of the military industrial complex.

  5. Mark says

    China is not intimidated by these orchestral maneuvers. The west loves ‘show the flag’ cruises, but this is not the 1920’s and it will now take a lot more than a western gunboat to ‘show the coolies their place’. China will nonetheless receive the deployment as a gift, and study the westerners’ ways and operations carefully to look for any weakness or clumsiness of execution. China is overall unworried about attack from seaward, as warships cannot safely get close enough to press home an attack. Air attack would be much more worrying, but China is no easy target there either. The west is noisy and boastful, but it is usually very careful to avoid actually attacking countries which are not much weaker than itself, and are more or less totally without allies. Neither of those describes China.

    That said, the Germans are indeed running around like headless chickens, trying to generate performance art that pleases everyone, even as Germany ruthlessly stifles dissent at home.

  6. Mark says

    It is agitating for conflict while it thinks it could still afford it.

  7. Arius Armenian says

    This is not the era of the Opium Wars, or does the West think within the depths of their stupidity that they can take on China in its backyard? All their military assets near China will be destroyed in minutes. The West is going total psycho.

  8. Mr Reynard says

    So…. Mutti is sending the “Bismarck” & the “Tirpitz” To China ???
    Oy Vey ….

  9. mijj says

    massively expensive in time, effort and resources. China will ensure this level of activity is consistently maintained by the Neo Colonial Empire to ensure its rapid collapse.

  10. yuri says

    only amerikan peasant believes this—US ruling class more intelligent

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