The First Tenent of Monroe Doctrine Was That US Would Not Interfere in European Affairs
Conveniently forgotten by Bolton, Pompeo and Trump
Many in the US still cannot come to grips with a simple historic fact that Monroe Doctrine was not just about Western Hemisphere being US sphere of vital interests. Here is a short reminder:
Monroe Doctrine, (December 2, 1823), cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy enunciated by Pres. James Monroe in his annual message to Congress. Declaring that the Old World and New World had different systems and must remain distinct spheres, Monroe made four basic points:
- the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of or the wars between European powers;
- the United States recognized and would not interfere with existing colonies and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere;
- the Western Hemisphere was closed to future colonization; and
- any attempt by a European power to oppress or control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a hostile act against the United States.
As you can see, the whole doctrine was predicated on a quid-pro-quo principle of not screwing with Europe and her possessions.
Of course this whole thing was not worth the paper it was printed on once the United States solidified and started to grow in the postbellum years and suddenly recognized herself a colonial power with pompous rhetoric about democracy and liberty serving as a fig leaf for full blown imperial conquests. Donald J. Trump is not known to be well endowed with historic knowledge so, naturally he, and many of his warmongering “advisers” concluded that:
US President Donald Trump has warned that Russia must get out of Venezuela. Two planeloads of Russian troops are currently in the Latin American country under the terms of a 2001 cooperation treaty.
Speaking at the White House, Trump also warned that “all options are open” when it comes to getting Russia out of Venezuela.
Around 100 Russian troops touched down in Caracas on Saturday, a show of support for President Nicolas Maduro’s government. The move caused consternation in Washington, however, with Vice President Mike Pence calling the deployment an “unnecessary provocation.”
Pence also called on Russia to withdraw its support of Maduro and “stand with Juan Guaido,” the Washington-sponsored opposition leader who declared himself interim president in January.
So, when Donald J. Trump, and the whole choir of America-based Monroists, tries to convince Russia to “get out” of Venezuela they should really read attentively what Monroe Doctrine is actually about, you know pp. 1 and 2.
Last time I checked the United States has more than 800 military bases around the world and, surprise, surprise, is involved in fomenting troubles, humanitarian catastrophes, support of terrorism and other activities which null and void any idea embedded in the Monroe Doctrine.
After all, it was the United States which unleashed a bloody coup in Ukraine (together with her lapdogs from EU) and any referrals to Monroe Doctrine and its principles are just for PR.
United States through its incessant aggression around the world since 1999 lost any moral and judicial grounds to demand anything from anybody.
The ongoing coup in Venezuela, with all my huge reservations about “lefty” Latin American regimes, is a blatant violation of Venezuela’s sovereignty and having a convicted crook and neocon such as Abrams (supported by draft-dodger and coward Bolton) as a handler of Venezuela pretty much answers all questions who is behind events in Venezuela.
So when chicken hawk Bolton proclaims with pathos that:
The United States will not tolerate hostile foreign military powers meddling with the Western Hemisphere’s shared goals of democracy, security, and the rule of law. The Venezuelan military must stand with the people of Venezuela.
And Trump threatens with “all options” being opened, they should really consider some few cost-benefits factors in case (and it may happen) of US attacking Venezuela with Russian advisers in it.
Never mind the fact that militarily a hundred or so military personnel, primarily IT people to help Venezuela fight off those “strange” electricity blackouts, are not really there to set up a base or anything of like. Even Bloomberg gets it.
Source: Reminiscence of the Future