Finland & Sweden Turning Themselves Into Frontline States of an Anti-Russian Alliance Is a Very Big Deal
And not bullish for Ukraine's future
Dmitry Medvedev argues that Sweden and Finland joining NATO is ultimately no big deal because A) they were already closely cooperating with it B) it would have eventually happened anyway.
Here is his machine-translated mini-essay:
Sweden and Finland are discussing the possibility of joining NATO with bestial seriousness. The alliance itself is ready to accept them… in the shortest possible time and with minimal bureaucratic procedures. “You’re Welcome!” The United States now broadcasts to representatives of Northern Europe. What does it mean? This means that Russia will have more officially registered opponents.
And how should we respond to this? The answer is clear: without emotions, with a cold head. How many countries are in NATO – thirty or thirty-two, for us as a whole is not so important. Two less, two more – with their importance and population, there is not much difference.
Another thing is that if Sweden and Finland join NATO, the length of the land borders of the alliance with the Russian Federation will more than double. Naturally, these boundaries will have to be strengthened. Seriously strengthen the grouping of ground forces and air defense, deploy significant naval forces in the waters of the Gulf of Finland.
In this case, it will no longer be possible to talk about any non-nuclear status of the Baltic – the balance must be restored. Until now, Russia has not taken such measures and was not going to take them. If we are forced – well: “note – we did not propose this,” as the hero of a famous old film said.
And further. It makes no sense to argue that if it were not for the special operation in Ukraine, then the question of these countries joining NATO would not have arisen at all and the situation would have been easier for Russia. This is not true. First, attempts to drag them into the alliance have been made before. And, secondly, and most importantly, we do not have territorial disputes with these countries, as with Ukraine. And so the price of such membership is different for us.
Public opinion in Sweden and Finland on the issue of the need to join NATO is divided approximately in half. And this is with the maximum efforts of home-grown propagandists.
No sane person wants higher prices and taxes, increased tensions along the borders, Iskanders, hypersonics and nuclear-armed ships literally at arm’s length from their own home. Let’s hope that the mind of our northern neighbors still wins. But if not, then, as they say, “he himself came.”
Medvedev says that NATO is already so powerful that adding two more nations doesn’t really change the balance of power.
But then he says that Russia will be forced to counter this by introducing nuclear weapons to the Baltic.
Actually if Russia will henceforth have to guarantee its security in the north with nukes that tells you that Sweden and Finland joining NATO is in fact very, very significant.
Combined they have a population of 15 million. They are highly developed so that Sweden has the same GDP as Ukraine even when adjusted for purchasing power parity. Finland has has 50% of Ukraine’s GDP PPP.
The two are quite the prize, especially since they are apparently willing to turn themselves into frontline states for the Empire in a region where Russia had so far been somewhat secure and at ease.
Of course Medvedev will claim that this isn’t a very, very big win for NATO and for the American Empire. It is.
But what it also means is that it puts even more pressure on Moscow to get something in Ukraine to balance out America’s expansion. If Russia’s foray into Ukraine has helped DC put the finishing touches on the acquisition of Finland and Sweden, then it becomes all the more crucial that Moscow likewise carves out a sizeable and useful vassal in Rus’ Minor.
Western reaction has at every step raised the stakes for Moscow, making it less likely that Kremlin can declare victory after small gains and call it a day. It definitely complicates matters for Russia and the Kremlin but is not at all bullish for Ukraine’s future.
In the 1960s and 1970s Sweden was always very friendly toward Soviet Russia. Suddenly the people of Sweden are afraid of Russia. what changed ?
In the 1960s, 1970s, Finland never felt the need to join a protective alliance, how come they do now ?!?
The people of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland see the justification of their worst fears in the actions of Russia in the past few weeks. why ?
Historically we saw that after a successful war the victor always turns to the international money power for finances. (there is no one else to turn to)
If by December the Army of Liberation conquers Ukraine, exterminates every Nazi and chases away every Ukrainian (NATO accepts the terms of ceasefire), to whom will Muscovy turn for financing ?
The international money power has not suffered one casuality, one setback, is not in debt, it does not owe a penny to anyone; it has unlimited credit to lend (regardless of what the unit-of-account is). It always asks for the modernization of the country’s financial laws.
Does V.V. Putin know anything about the international money power and its age-old activity and methods ? (or, on this, too, he was informed by his Chechen friends ?)
Mr. Dzugashwili did.
Vladimir Ilyich did:
“To talk about regularization of banks means either to betray complete ignorance, or to fool the simple folk with high sounding words. To control the delivery of bread, or in general, the production and distribution of goods, without controlling banking practices, is an absurdity” —Pravda, May 29-30, 1917 (volume 25, page 329, in the english-language collected works)
*// The people who voted for Andrew Jackson did:
“Twaddle.— To talk of ‘regulating’ Banks. So long as they exist, THEY will regulate every thing around them.”
Depends on the meaning of ‘bullish’ … rejoining Russia may work out well for Ukraine. Russia needs to listen to Glazyev and get its economy straightened out, to make itself actually attractive for nations to ‘join’.