Fauci’s Boss Demands People Who Think He’s Full of It Be “Brought To Justice”

NIH Director wants us all Guantanamoed

You are fueling dangerous distrust in science, sir!

NIH Director Francis Collins has a stern message for the American public: The country has, what he called, an epidemic of misinformation and disinformation. And it’s fueling a dangerous distrust in science.

“Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling,” said Collins, who will soon step down as the National Institutes of Health director after serving in both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Collins made his most forceful comments yet against the pervasive spread of falsehoods online to our colleague Yasmeen Abutaleb. He was defending his own colleague, Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical adviser, against the biggest onslaught of angry messages and threats he’s received throughout the entire pandemic.

Here are excerpts from Yasmeen’s interview with Collins:

Cracking down

The rapid-fire spread of misinformation has altered public opinion of the pandemic and coronavirus vaccines. Some 6 in 10 Americans say they either believe the government is exaggerating the number of deaths from the virus or aren’t sure. Nearly 1 in 4 Americans believe covid-19 shots contain microchips or don’t know if the claim is true, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey.

  • “Truth is supposed to be truth,” Collins said, “and the fact that your truth would be so heavily modified by your social circle or where you get your news tells you we’re in real trouble.”
  • He said he worries about a society where “somebody’s Facebook post carries as much weight as a statement from the director of the CDC about what is the truth of a public health crisis.”

He sees two ways of attempting to curb the spread of misinformation, though admits he’s unsure how successful either has been.

  • The first: Identify those who are purposefully spreading false information online and bring them to justice.
  • The second: Find a better way to counter false claims with real information. He didn’t specify what exactly either one would entail.

Source: The Washington Post

  1. Maiasta says

    Well, the CEO of Pfizer thinks we’re criminals too. Not hard to see where all of this is going.

    A satirical piece in France Soir puts it like this:

    Live ammunition: a promising new therapy in the fight against Covid-19?

      1. Maiasta says

        Damn! Thanks so much for that. I wasn’t aware of this man, Craig-Paardekooper. The analysis is really interesting. I would love to see somebody undertake a counteranalysis or attempted rebuttal, because what he’s found seems so clear and so stunning that any further verification could generate big ripples.

        It also fits (more or less) with an analysis i saw in The Exposé which determined that 100% of the fatalities could be traced to only 5% of the batches.

        It would also shed light on the claims made by a Slovenian nurse this summer (which has gained more notice in the past few days) that the vaccines she was administering were secretly divided into 3 categories, one of which was a placebo (and given to political elites).

        Vera Kanalec:

        It seems clear that the whole vaccine programme is highly coordinated between all of the companies involved, just like every other aspect of this enterprise. They obviously have a very good understanding of what the long-term outcomes will be, as well as a specific roadmap for how to get there.

  2. ken says

    “Nearly 1 in 4 Americans believe covid-19 shots contain microchips or don’t know if the claim is true, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey.”

    Never heard of that one,,, have not heard anyone mention it,,, they’re adding this bs to do a reverse whamo. I highly doubt they even polled that question.

    Identify those who are purposefully spreading false information online and bring them to justice.

    Here are the first three!

    1. Maiasta says

      Re: microchip. I always thought this idea was nonsense too. Just something that the media invented or else a fringe idea that the media magnified. But no. It seems that something in these shots is operating as a receiver. Firstly, we know that reduced graphene oxide (now confirmed to be present in the principal CV vaccines) functions like an antenna in the body. Secondly, some clearly artificial nanoscale tech has also been discovered in the vials. See the Reutlingen pathologists’ presentation:


      Next, if you understand Spanish, here is a good discussion of the issue by a very sober and rational Spanish doctor (Dr Luis Benito):

      And finally, here is a concrete exampe of someone picking up Astrazeneca bluetooth signals, apparently emitting from his body:


      1. iconoclast says

        mk ultra on steroids.

        1. Maiasta says

          Yeah, basically. It seeems to be some kind of self-assembling nanotech, because the reduced GO responds to electric currents and EMF waves, and the graphene then forms coherent structures. What i found really surprising was how a 2007 anime film (Vexille) basically wrote all of this into the plot of its movie. Either the writer made a lucky guess or he was plugged into some interesting sources.


      2. Kieran says

        which is why the push for booster shots: the graphene oxide in the first 2 shots appear to have degraded which it was not supposed to so boosters ad infinitum will solve this

      3. MHC says

        You got trolled. Bluetooth is short range and requires power so its not a practical to implant it. He renamed the Bluetooth devices to astrazeneca. Having successfully paired a Bluetooth device they will automatically try to reconnect. If you change your Bluetooth password or remove the device on one end and not the other such as a car, they will automatically keep trying unsuccessfully to pair. My car does this all the time.

        I’m unvaccinated, believe the vaccines have nefarious purposes and I don’t trust pharma or the government. With that said i don’t think this video proves anything, just misinformation and trolling.

      4. MHC says

        If they were going to implement some sort of tracker they’d go with RFID or something else.

        1. Maiasta says

          No, i don’t think i was ‘trolled’. I’ve seen similar footage from Argentina too. You can maintain that people are just faking it (as was claimed for the ‘magnetic arm’ phenomenon that was later proven to be authentic) but when there are enough testimonies, it needs to be looked into.

          Re: “they’d go with RFID or something else.”

          Actually, the use of RFID in medical settings is not speculative. They’ve been using them for a while now. Here is a collection of links from 12 years ago:


          As for the question of range, if something is going to be used for identification / verification purposes (e.g. to determine a person’s vaccination status) then it doesn’t need to have a long range. To be sure, i’m not saying that anything here has been proven, but there’s certainly enough anecdotal evidence to warrant a study. The use of graphene oxide in the principal vaccines is now confirmed, and the self-assembling characteristics of this substance are well-known and put to use in hydrogels. Additionaly, the Reutlingen study demonstrated cleary worked objects in the contents of the vials, many of them above the nanoscale. So, the whole question needs a closer look.

        2. Maiasta says

          No, i don’t think i was ‘trolled’. I’ve seen similar footage from Argentina too. You can maintain that people are just faking it (as was claimed for the ‘magnetic arm’ phenomenon that was later proven to be authentic) but when there are enough testimonies, it needs to be looked into.

          Re: “they’d go with RFID or something else.”

          Actually, the use of RFID in medical settings is not speculative. They’ve been using them for a while now. Here is a collection of links from 12 years ago:


          As for the question of range, if something is going to be used for identification / verification purposes (e.g. to determine a person’s vaccination status) then it doesn’t need to have a long range. To be sure, i’m not saying that anything here has been proven, but there’s certainly enough anecdotal evidence to warrant a study. The use of graphene oxide in the principal vaccines is now confirmed, and the self-assembling characteristics of this substance are well-known and put to use in hydrogels. Additionaly, the Reutlingen study demonstrated cleary worked objects in the contents of the vials, many of them above the nanoscale. So, the whole question needs a closer look.

    2. silver9blue says

      Try reading freedom articles its written there for one and if you can use the internet there are others.

    3. Mr. Natural says

      Bang! Bang! Bang! That should do it!

  3. guest says


    Allegedly, the bad-boy of Europen politics said:
    “In the end, everyone will have to be vaccinated; even the anti-vaxxers will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die.”

    1. Eddy says

      I’m quiet happy to take my risk with the latter. After all, who in their right minds would choose to live in a World where all your rights have been taken away, even your right to choose what goes into your body.

    2. Maiasta says

      He meant that the anti-vaxxers would die from the “virus”. But RT’s headline gives a quite different impression, and was probably chosen to gaslight its readers (who are themselves moslty anti-vax).

    3. Ahead says

      Guess what ? We are all going to die: it is a question of; are we going to be peering out at the world from under our bed or living life to the full until we die

  4. nnn says

    Fascist state

  5. FedUpWithBS says

    Hospitals in USA and in first world countries are refusing life-saving Ivermectin treatment even with court orders. Big Pharma doing everything they can to jab us no matter what, while alternative COVID cures EXIST! There happens to be heavy censorship who are looking for these treatments. The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for COVID. Get your Ivermectin ivmpharmacy/com

    1. Ahead says

      Best taken with a zinc supplement, Vit. D and Vit. C are good supplements to assist your body to be resistant and resilient.

  6. Rebel Forever says

    Fauci is a lying son of a bitch….so is Bill Gates, Birx, and the rest of their ilk. Here I am….

  7. GrossMisconduct says

    That’s the whole point of why science is in the first place: to be debated. Anything else is pure authoritarianism.

    These 3 bozos aren’t even scientists to start with, but fascist politicians.

  8. Ty ty says

    Time to hand

    1. Ty ty says

      *hang this biotarrorist

  9. Ty ty says

    All it takes is one man, and well placed round

    1. Ultrafart the Brave says

      I reckon a few thousand well-placed rounds across every continent on the planet should do the job nicely. Can’t happen soon enough.

      Klaus Schwab has spent decades getting his stooges planted in key positions of power in just about every country on Earth, spreading his evil ideology and faithfully carrying out the Globalists’ planned genocide of the innocent.

      As emphatically stated by someone with authority over these matters, “the wages of sin is death”. How much longer will we have to wait for these Satanic bastards to get what’s coming to them?

  10. Eric the Red says

    Collins is just another kneejerk leftist. He epitomizes leftist thinking: “free speech” has been redefined to mean, “only good information, and only what we say is good”. Reasons for that attitude: (1) they’re too blinded by ideology to understand the basic concept of free speech, (2) they understand free speech perfectly well, and are doing whatever it takes to undermine it.

    Either way, it proves once again that leftists are petty tyrants who must be removed completely and permanently from society, otherwise they will continue to drag us all down into their special version of hell.

  11. XSFRGR says

    Do some research on graphene oxide, and you’ll find that it settles in the brain after injection, and resonates at 5-G frequencies. Being an oxide it’s organic, and degrades after six months or so; hence the need for boosters. Graphene oxide wont kill people, but if it’s activated at the right frequency it will cause confusion, disorientation, agitation, etc. I wonder how the average protest will go down under those conditions? How may 5-G transmitters are in your neighborhood. By now you may understand why we stole 5-G from the Chinese.

  12. Eddy says

    Apparently to think ill of someone in the U.S. it is now a crime ? W.T.F. And on the very same day, the U.S. is rabbiting on about human rights ??? L.O.L. Where are the people’s rights ??????????????????

  13. Stand Tall says

    Catch me out back! I have something to tell all you CEO psychopaths…. Come teach me a lesson. I’m waiting.

  14. Howard T. Lewis III says

    Francis Collins is even more puffed up from doing cocaine while looking in the mirror than Faucifraud is. Justice would have to include shaving his head and a life sentence. Nuremberg Code or federal law. Either.

  15. abinico warez says

    Medical industry kills about 300,000 yearly (google it) but people pointing out Fauci fraud need to be brought to justice?

  16. L Garou says

    My prescription for Francis Collins, Fauci and Co. is a wooden stake and salt.

    1. Ahead says

      Oak is the suggested wood and garlic is a chaser.

  17. Bob says

    Mr. Collins, the vax has killed at least 50,000 worldwide. True or false?
    It is now killing children. True or false?
    It is causing people to suddenly die, including elite athletes. True or false?
    It doesn’t prevent infection or the spread of coronaviruses. True or false?
    The jabs were developed with government/military financial assistance long before the pandemic was declared. True or false?
    You are a murdering piece of sh!t. True or false?

    1. COVID_Hospitalist says

      Love it!!!

      If nothing more, than the pure entertainment of it!!! Kudos!! You made me laugh!!

  18. blueyblogger says

    Mr Fauci…I challenge you openly on your ‘Facts’, as I also challenge your associates to a PUBLIC debate concerning COVID-19, and also dare you to ‘Bring me to Justice’ for wanting such an event to take place.

  19. blueyblogger says

    COVID-19 = Certificate Of Vaccination Identification Data-AI

  20. Arnieus says

    If the DNA shots were truly life saving protection from a deadly virus Congress and other branches of government would be demanding to be at the head of the line to get their shot. They are not. In fact they are exempt from mandates. Are they misinformed? Are they crazy? Don’t they believe in the science?

  21. Jax says

    He is lucky he never walks into real people, he would be dead within minutes.

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