Estonian Parliament Votes for America to Establish a “No-Fly Zone” Over Ukraine


Source: Estonian World

The Estonian parliament on 14 March adopted a resolution addressed to the parliaments of other EU member states and NATO, as well as to the parliaments of other countries regarding Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, in which the legislative body demands a no-fly zone in Ukraine.

In the resolution, supported by 90 MPs of 101, the parliament expressed its support to the defenders and the people of the state of Ukraine in their fight against the Russian Federation “that has launched a criminal war, and calls on showing absolute support to Ukraine in its war for maintaining its freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

The resolution underlines that the Russian unprovoked aggression and military activities “constitute a crime against peace with no statute of limitations, and that all war crimes that have been committed will have to be punished”.

The Estonian parliament also asks the UN member states “to take immediate steps to establish a no-fly zone in order to prevent massive civilian casualties in Ukraine”.

Also, the resolution urges all national parliaments to adopt statements that call on their governments to support the imposition of additional sanctions against Russia as well as Belarus that participates in the aggression.

EU and NATO membership for Ukraine

In addition, the Estonian parliament called for “the immediate imposition of a comprehensive trade embargo on the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, which would restrict the capability of the aggressor states to wage war”.

The resolution also calls on states to close their airspace and ports to the Russian aircraft and ships.

The parliament also calls “on the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to vote for excluding the Russian Federation from the membership of the Council of Europe, and calls on the member states to adopt a relevant decision immediately”.

The Estonian legislature also invites the EU member states to support Ukraine’s official application for the status of an EU candidate state and calls on granting Ukraine a roadmap towards membership of NATO.

  1. GMC says

    Forgot to mention the 3oo million that the US is giving Estonia , in order to use it’s airports. As the Feds print off trillions of dollars , that never reach the USAs domestic financial books, the Wars role on.
    Should get interesting if all those US troops in the countries surrounding Belarus – take the plunge.

    1. Steiner says

      Would you please piss off.

    2. Jerôme says


  2. yasejix447 says

    Forgot to mention the 3oo million that the US is giving Estonia , in order to use it’s airports. As the Feds print off trillions of dollars , that never reach the USAs domestic financial books, the Wars role on.
    Should get interesting if all those US troops in the countries surrounding Belarus – take the plunge.

    1. SteveK9 says

      The most important basis for American power, is the dollar system. If that goes, then the power of the US will be greatly reduced.

  3. ken says

    Remember as a kid in school, some wormy ass kid calling you names standing behind some big bully? Well that describes these little shitbox nations like Estonia.

    The US doesn’t want to impose a NFZ because it doesn’t want to risk an embarrassing defeat. The US only imposes no fly zones on little nations that have no defense capability. Afghanistan,,, Iraq,,, even Yugoslavia back when the Russians were still trying to get their act together. Take Syria for example. Notice no fly zone attempted by the US.

    The US may talk like the sole superpower but it knows better. It’s education system is so woke it has to import people capable of manning its research resources. The US upper education system is so political it doesn’t teach,,, it indoctrinates.

    Basically the US has run out of WWII (real) Germans it imported and used to lead its space and defense programs. Its last generation – boomers – that had any manufacturing capability at all is retiring and dying off. Gen X has possibilities but most are the wrong color or religion stuck in the new woke society. The US was dead man walking the minute it started off shoring its production to China.

    These little nations better recognize the power structure of the world is changing… or it’s curtains for them…

  4. Gerold says

    When I read the headline I thought this was Babylon Bee satire. Still, those Estonians are funny!

  5. Jerôme says

    I believe, it is highest time to take over the Baltic colonies and make it part of large RF…They behave as Nazis too, and need strong! Denazification!

    1. danyla says

      No ,Russia glad to get rid of them .They are parasites

  6. Martillo says

    Estonia is almost a big a joke as Slumville.

  7. nnn says

    Fucken idiots

  8. George W Obama says

    A no fly zone has already been imposed over Ukraine, by Russia.

  9. Hostage (Raptar) Driver says

    Isn’t about 1⁄3 of Estonia Russian speakers?
    Apparently they don’t have any say?

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