CDC: 44% of Covid-Associated Deaths Were of People Who Also Had PNEUMONIA
Pneumonia is one nasty disease
Of the 37,308 “deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19” in the CDC database 16,564, or 44%, also had pneumonia:
The jury is still out on just how bad the covid-19 disease really is. Antibodies studies indicate as high as 98-99% could be asymptomatic, and 97–99% of deaths in some countries had at least one other illness. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that pneumonia is a nasty disease indeed and quite deadly.
Table 1. Deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), pneumonia, and influenza reported to NCHS by week ending date, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 4/25/2020.*
Data as of May 1, 2020
One interesting thing about the CDC data is that it shows an inexplicable rise in pneumonia deaths, one which coincides with arrival of covid deaths. Pneumonia deaths rose from their “normal” of 3500 a week to all the way up to nearly 10,000 in the week ending on April 11th.
Perhaps the focus on covid also caused greater attention to be given to pneumonia and more of it was diagnosed and found its way to death certificates than would otherwise have been the case.
Another possibility would be that anti-covid measures (returning patients to nursing homes before they had recovered, focus on harmful intrusive ventilation…) led to a steep increase in pneumonia deaths.
Those that count the votes determine the election
Those that make the charts determine the death rates.
85% of patients on ventilators die regardless of illness.
$52,000 fedbucks per medicare/medicaid patient ‘diagnosed’ with Covid and put on ventilator.