Bolivia’s New Self-Declared “Interim President” Believes Indians Are “Satanic”, Shouldn’t Be Allowed in Cities

Yay, progress!

Good to see the Empire bringing progress and enlightenment to Bolivia:

Indigenous culture is likened to “satanic rites”. This is reminiscent of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs demonizing (and criminalizing) Native Americans Sun Dances and other rituals and celebrations in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Especially in 2019.

Makes one wonder, how in the world is it possible to doubt Morales stole the election when the opposition is led by someone who believes 65% of the population performs “satanic rituals” and are not fit to live in cities?

Faux blonde — trying just a little too hard for that Euro look?
  1. Jrockfye says

    The Indigenous people are the historically, archeologically, biblically, and factually Israelites that the Bible speaks of. She and her supporters are the Devils that the Bible speaks of. So called Natives, Hispanic, and Black people are Israelites. Deuteronomy 28 explains why we lost our heritage.

    1. Tiger Tchigit says


  2. rejectrepublicanlies says

    Fascist witch.

  3. Dana Franchitto says

    Another self-righteous right wing bitch.

  4. Howahkan Erich Nanuk says

    its the devil in disguise o boy all over this world its happening the people should stand up and fight this woman and het powers of evil..

  5. Seleida Paiva says

    It’s unbelievable! This is a fake government and its this woman is everything but Christan.

  6. Tom Osher says

    What exactly is the mechanism to form a new gov’t. when there is a power vaccuum. I guess we will have to ask the CIA for instructions. We need a citizens tribunal for a temporary government to set up an horizontal governance, which is virtually uncorruptible. By and for the people, bottom up. Contact me for more details.

  7. ArcAngel says

    Great, another vile, disgusting, insane, egomaniacal, traitorous demonic psychopath declaring “itself” El Presidente. Sponsored by Satan’s State Department and Army.
    Alas this is not surprising as Bolivia/Morales has had a target on it since Morales was elected.
    2 surprises… Mexico _ I wonder if Morales will survive in Mexico
    and Russia… Russia’s FM acknowledging this disgusting psycho as the new President was surprising.
    VERY surprising.
    May the hate filled, anti-Human, faux blonde, Euro wanna-be suffer something horrible…

    1. Jrockfye says

      orically, archeologically, biblically, and factually Israelites that the Bible speaks of. She and her supporters are the Devils that the Bible speaks of. So called Natives, Hispanic, and Black people are Israelites. Deuteronomy 28 explains why we lost our heritage.

      1. Tiger Tchigit says


  8. MadXicano says

    500 years later… the descendants of European colonizers are still demonizing Indians, dividing groups/regions (using sellout vendid@s), conquering their “markets”… and the insurrections will also continue… la lucha sigue…

  9. Jorge Trevino says

    Classical Latin American thinking, when an indian gets its first car and tries the taste of $ (let’s say $100 usd all together in your wallet at one certain moment, 🥳🥳🥳), we think we awake in the morning as Europeans. By when the faux blonde look shows up, the metamorphosis is then complete. Until one day we go to Europe and people on the streets call us “brownies” 🤭🤣🤭
    Then we rush back to our “brownie” land where we’ll be called “whites” by those that are 1% more indian than us… 🤪🤪🤪

    1. Darryl Burks says


  10. Kay Heyoka says

    May she eat her words and choke on them.

  11. All_has_An _END_. says

    strange , she must not have any mirrors at her house cause she looks like a Native Indian to me . It must be the fake blond hair convinced her she is maybe Swedish ?

  12. Allison Shaw says

    The Spaniards in Bolivia were incensed that an Indigenous person won the presidency and was re-elected 4 times, and that during that time he ensured the equal rights of the Indigenous majority. Their attitude towards Natives is stuck back in the 1600s, as are their religious superstitions and their desire to return to chattel slavery and genocide of the Aymara and other Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia. Expel these racist fascists.

  13. AriusArmenian says

    This is disgusting – and even more that the US media will provide cover.
    Her inhumanity betrays what she herself is within.
    Out of her own mouth she condemns herself and those with her.

    1. Zipinparadise says

      But is it different from putsches in Ukraine or Venezuela? Huh?

  14. Pablo Rivera says

    I bet the carpet doesn’t match the curtains

  15. DarkEyes says

    Educated in Washington D.C.?
    She could have been educated/contaminated by Institute Travistock.
    Also with a “little help” from her Puppet Master our mutual friend George Soros and of course she must have had a lot of conversations with Deep State/CFR Uncle Henry.

    The coup ran straight from Washington’s Instruction Book “Manual for succesful Regime Changes”.

    She must be a “deplorable Indian” herself. What a insinuation to 60% of the Bolivian Fellowmen, the Indians.
    Litrium for freightplanes’ loads of greenbacks.
    Wow! She really means it.

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