Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer, CNN Analyst Tony Blinken Secretary of State

Former Vice President Joe Biden is reportedly set to announce this week that Tony Blinken, who supported the idea of “Russia collusion,” would be his Secretary of State.

Bloomberg News reported Sunday evening:

President-elect Joe Biden intends to name his longtime adviser Antony Blinken as secretary of State, according to three people familiar with the matter, setting out to assemble his cabinet even before Donald Trump concedes defeat.

In addition, Jake Sullivan, formerly one of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, is likely to be named Biden’s national security adviser, according to two people familiar with the matter. An announcement is expected Tuesday, the people said.

Blinken, who served as deputy secretary of state and deputy national security advisor under President Barack Obama, has also been a New York Times opinion writer and a “global affairs analyst” for CNN. In that capacity, he supported the “Russia collusion” hoax.

As Breitbart News reported in 2017, Blinken told CNN: “The president’s ongoing collusion with Russia’s plans is really striking, intentional or not.” He said that Russia had sown doubt about American elections and institutions.

(Subsequently, an investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.)

Blinken also apologized earlier this year to left-wing anti-Israel radical Linda Sarsour, regarded by many critics (even on the left) as an antisemite, after the Biden campaign tried to distance itself from her views.

He is also married to Evan Ryan, a former aide to then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. Ryan worked for Clinton at a time when Clinton’s chief of staff, Margaret Williams, acknowledged accepting a campaign donation from entrepreneur Johnny Chien Chuen Chung.

Chung said that the donation was meant to help Clinton pay for Christmas receptions for the Democratic National Committee at the White House, in exchange for “VIP treatment for a delegation of visiting Chinese businessmen,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

Biden is expected to name several potential Cabinet nominees in the coming days.

Source: Breitbart

  1. nick1111 says

    Put all this scum on Titanic

    1. zonmoy says

      that ship sunk long ago, you really want to curse that ship so bad that it comes into new York to start the takeover of our nation by the dead.

  2. didactic1 says

    Slime beginning to spread. Be quite a Passover this year. Dead First borns, blood and plagues. “Fun” as the Witch of Chappaqua controls it all by Wand. Rabbi Doug will bless the red red wine.

    1. Saint Jimmy (Russian American) says

      Stupid is OFF the fucking charts in America. I can’t stand it here, any more, without being stoned or drinking.

      1. thomas malthaus says
        Regarding Afghanistan.

        You might assume one or two Australian troops would commit suicide, but nine Australian soldiers appeals to a systemic cause that suggests widespread military indoctrination or tolerance.

        If such an investigation into US Army or Marine civilian summary executions ever saw daylight, how would that manifest among a military force 19 years into Afghanistan operations? How many US servicemen and veterans have committed suicide that might have Australian case parallels.

        We can’t tolerate a My Lai massacre-related public relations disaster that may cost thousands of defense workers, civilian government employees, and politicians their skim or cut.

      2. Eileen Kuch says

        I see what you mean, Saint Jimmy, Stupid’s certainly OFF the charts in the US. It couldn’t be any worse than it already is .. Oops! I forgot mentioning Antifa and BLM rioters/looters burning cities throughout this summer. They threaten to resume the chaos.

  3. Saint Jimmy (Russian American) says

    Oberfuhrer Netanyahu just visited the inbred, mentally retarded Saudi family. Something isn’t right in Mordor…. Lack of money for mass murders?

    1. didactic1 says

      MBS is sharp, but if you have 40 or so kids I suppose the odds of one smart person rises?

  4. thomas malthaus says

    This guy was Netanyahu’s first choice. Why wouldn’t he want a fellow Zionist and Jew?

    It won’t be an easier road for Palestinians. Tehran should show public restraint despite what possibilities might circle the JCPOA

    1. didactic1 says

      The real power is new Intel Czarina April”Haines” real name Rothblatt. This is a stone killer, pal of Gina Soak-em Haspel. She is also a physicist with expertise in electronic surveillance and takeover of programming.

      1. Eileen Kuch says

        Who appointed that biotch? Gina Soak-em Haspel, perhaps?

        1. didactic1 says

          Yes but she also worked for Hillary-Obama cabal of Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken. Like goo that is indistinguishable and festering. Very snoopy nose, our Avril.

  5. Pablo says

    Notice how seamlessly “reporters” move from being part of the MSM to being Government Officials? The Deeps State is a small, tight knit group. This would be troubling in a functioning Democracy.

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