Australia’s Dystopian Forever Lockdown
"When this lockdown ends, we will try to repair our lives until the next lockdown. And the process will repeat again and again and again"

Melbourne’s fourth lockdown was supposed to finish last Thursday. After a week of restrictions, Melburnians were supposed to have their freedoms restored. But on Thursday, the state of Victoria, which is home to 6.6million people, recorde nine new cases of community transmission.
This brought the total number of Covid cases in Victoria’s cluster to 54. Instead of relaxing restrictions, the Victoria state government extended the lockdown for another week at least. So far it has not said what thresholds need to be met for the lockdown to be lifted.
Many politicians and commentators in the UK have praised Australia’s approach to Covid. They argue that the UK should follow Australian states’ lead, and lock down hard and early with each new outbreak. It seems they want the UK to follow Australia’s Zero Covid strategy.
They should be careful what they wish for. We Melburnians know the reality of Zero Covid: we are currently locked in our homes 22 hours a day for another week because of six new local cases. This is no way to live. But, unfortunately, it is the way we will have to live for a long time to come.
A Zero Covid strategy is foolish. It involves confining people to their homes over a handful of cases. It involves closing schools, workplaces and churches. It involves cutting off people from friends and family at a moment’s notice. On Wednesday 25 May, Melburnians could be with 30 people in public. The next day they could not meet any.
This is how we live in Melbourne. We are trapped in a seemingly never-ending cycle of lockdowns. Whenever we get some freedoms handed back to us, we know they are only loaned – and could be seized back again at any time.
Our politicians and experts know that public support for Zero Covid is wavering. Hence they are now trying to scare us into compliance by using apocalyptic terms to describe the threat Victoria is facing. For example, Victoria’s chief health officer, Brett Sutton, justified this latest lockdown on the grounds that the particular strain we are dealing with is an ‘absolute beast’. People, he said, were being infected by ‘fleeting contact’ in ways the medical community had not seen before.
This is a fearmongering tactic the British people are already familiar with – the talk of ever-more dangerous variants and transmissible strains. It seems the authorities will do whatever it takes to make the public toe the line on the restrictions.
It took less than a week for the truth to come out about this ‘absolute beast’. Last Thursday evening the health department admitted that two cases previously held up as examples of how beastly this new strain is were actually false positives.
Biologist James McCaw, a member of a key advisory board to the federal government on Covid, has said the ‘beast’ line was false. ‘There is no epidemiological evidence that this virus spreads faster’, said McCaw, before adding that ‘there is no clear reason to think this virus is spreading in different ways’.
And now Sutton has come clean. He has admitted he used the phrase ‘beast’ to ‘warn against complacency’ and ‘motivate’ people to ‘follow the rules’.
Perhaps this may be a turning point. An extended lockdown over so few cases, combined with this overblown rhetoric, may finally cause the public to reject Zero Covid and push for more freedoms.
But it is very difficult for citizens to express their anger. We cannot legally protest under lockdown restrictions. We can vote against the government at the next state election, but that will not be until 2022. The only way for the Victorian government to change its ways is through pressure from other political figures. But these figures have been completely absent.
One reason that Australian states have been so lockdown-happy over the past year is that the federal government has always stepped in to pick up the tab. Relief for individuals thrown out of work and businesses shutting their doors has been provided for. Under this set-up, why wouldn’t state governments pursue Zero Covid?
There was hope this lockdown would be different. The federal government actually held its nerve for a week by not bailing out the Labor-led Victoria state government during its lockdown. Until Thursday, that is. Liberal Party PM Scott Morrison told Victorians that assistance was on its way from their friends in the federal government. And so the Victorian government was enabled once more to persist with a lockdown with no consequences.
Victorian Liberal Party politician Bev McArthur did question the Morrison government’s bailout. ‘How can we expect a miner in Western Australia, a farmer in New South Wales or a tourism operator in Queensland to pick up the bill for the ineptitude of Vic ministers?’, she tweeted. But Victorian Liberal leader Michael O’Brien shot McArthur down, calling her statement ‘ridiculous’ and another ‘reason why that MP is not on the front bench’. If anyone wants to remind O’Brien of the definition of the terms ‘opposition’ and ‘liberal’, they would be doing us all a favour.
And so Melburnians continue to live under a lockdown. When this lockdown ends, we will try to repair our lives until the next lockdown. And the process will repeat again and again and again. This is the warning from Melbourne about life under Zero Covid.
Source: Spiked
It was once the lucky country led by pioneer men and women working from sun up to sundown.
Now it is governed by low IQ losers with loyalty only to themselves and their Political Party.
Financial fraud…(accommodation allowances: claiming motel accomodation and staying at moms. Fiddling Postage Stamp allowances etc , year after year it goes on and on , plus the rest.)
Elections…wear a cowboy hat and stand in a pub with a beer in hand. (Compulsory)
Screwing the crew…known as being a ”Lucky Bastard.” No shortage of new recruits.
Year after year. The Pork Sword is a badge of honour.
And the sheep quietly chew welfare and for vote for whoever promises “moar” of the same. And the same they get. (Dairy cows I believe need to be feed regularly in order to be milked.)
Stand up too fix the rot, fraud or crazy stuff is worse then getting the nation working and productive. It gets you sacked, dumped, banished and voted out.
No chance of ever making a come back either…… so get bitter, get even and destroy as much as you can.
I buy Lottery tickets ….It helps ease the pain.
fake virus… 3.4 million deaths to a virus which hasn’t been isolated yet? laughable!
fake pcr tests… by ramping up test cycle count to 36+ they can get positive test results any time it’s politically expedient to do so…
fake pandemic… no flu or pneumonia deaths this year… coverup for 5G radiation poisoning (thrombosis)…
real fascism… real destruction of small businesses… real crimes against humanity based on a long series of lies… ScoMo and Sutton need to be held accountable for their crimes!
And WHO is going to hold them accountable for their crimes ??? One things for sure, it sure as hell won’t be the Australian sheeple.
“We are trapped in a seemingly never-ending cycle of lockdowns… Victoria’s chief health officer, Brett Sutton, justified this latest lockdown on the grounds that the particular strain we are dealing with is an ‘absolute beast’… It took less than a week for the truth to come out about this ‘absolute beast’… two cases previously held up as examples of how beastly this new strain is were actually false positives.”
So the Victorian Chief Health Officer (CHO), Mr. Brett Sutton, is a bare-faced liar.
Why would the Victorian CHO be so eager to grind the Victorian people into the gutter with the fake Corona Chan “pandemic”?
Well, let’s examine a little known aspect of Mr. Brett Sutton’s life: his sister-in-law is one Jane Halton, who has her own Wikipedia entry [ ].
There you can read how Jane Halton is a bigwig in the elite ranks of the Australian political class. She was one of the few Australians invited to participate in creepy Bill’s staged preparation for the Corona Chan “pandemic”, Event 201.
Jane Halton is chair of the global Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Jane Halton is literally on Bill Gates’ payroll.
Now, together with a bunch of industry bigwigs and billionaires, Jane Halton serves on the executive board of the Australian National Covid-19 Coordination Commission, which effectively prescribes Australian Corona Chan policy.
Ever wondered how creepy Bill has got so many Western governments to follow the same party line on Corona Chan lockdowns, blocking all nutritional and medicinal remedies and forcing the “vaccines” down our throats, in virtual unison (you might even say,in “lockstep”)? Jane Halton is a case-study in creepy Bill’s methods of controlling the world. Let’s restate the fact – Jane Halton is literlally on Bill Gates’ payroll!
And Mr. Brett Sutton, the Victorian Chief Health Officer, is Jane Halton’s brother in law.
See why we’re all being ground down into the ground? At least for our ruling elite, in Australia and across the Western world, the Corona Chan “pandemic” is a family affair. They’re all either on the take from creepy Bill, or closely related to or involved with someone who is.
And as creepy Bill has obviously figured out, blood is thicker than water.
Well what more can be said. The whole thing is evil. Like ants and animals humans on mass behave like a herd.
Something is coming…. The crazy’s are crazy for some reason. They sense something.
Stupid woman in Woollies walking around with a crochet face mask on… yet not challenged by the COVID nazis marshals.
. I was abused in another supermarket for not wearing one by some bogan. Told him the government decided to day it was optional.
Read it yourself ..look around you I told him ….. half on half off. Look at the sign on the door and read it. If you can’t read ask the staff. ….He just fucked off..with wobbly eye balls.
Low IQ politicians……. Spooking the herd.
If they stampede they will crush everything especially the evil ones.
The Wikipedia page doesn’t fully show what Halton has been up to earlier in her career. As head of the Australian People Smuggling Task Force, she had a big role in the SIEV X mass death, the “children overboard” lies, and other incidents at that time.
“We Melburnians know the reality of Zero Covid: we are currently locked in our homes 22 hours a day for another week because of six new local cases. This is no way to live.”
At some point in time all of you are going to have to grow a set. They cannot jail 5 million people. Yes, some will get hurt, some may even die but the question is,,, do you want to be treated a grown adults with lives to live as you see fit or do you want to cower locked in your homes like children until ‘daddy’ says it’s okay to go out and play? Your choice…
Stop wearing the masks,,, ignore the lockdown and curfews, citizen arrest the psycho politicians and police and try them for treason and crimes against humanity.
What have you got to lose?
Text from The US Declaration of Independence.
” We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…
SERIOUSLY, What has the U.S. Declaration of Independence got to do with Australians ? I know we are basicly another state of the U.S. though we have no voting rights whatever on U.S. issues, yet we MUST abide by U.S. laws, (oops sorry, I meant DEMANDS) the other issue with this alleged Declaration, is the FACT that it does not APPLY to the U.S. citizenry today. L.O.L. I do recall one particular President telling his FLOCK, “it’s just a piece of paper”, L.O.L. tells you clearly, what relevance it has today.
To be fair, (something that seems to be vanishing more and more every day these days) Quarantine in Australia, is the responsibility of the Federal Government, NOT the states. So far, ever since Covid has appeared, the Federal Government of Australia seems to have disappeared and totally ignored it’s responsibilities to the Australian people’s. The Federal Govt has far more assets at it’s finger tips to deal and resolve this issue, however rather than execercising that perogative, they sit on their hands and pontificate, offering sneering remarks against state heads. It’s clear, the World will be facing this virus for many years to come, and even further virus’s still to come. So a proper efficient Government would establish adequate designed for purpose, quarantine centers within each state wherein international and Australian citizens who have been over seas, can be adequately, properly quarantined before entering the Australian population. Such quarantine facilities are not new, and were readily found in each during the1918 flu epidmic, it’s a rather strange twist of fate, as to why Federal Government way back then, could see the need to do something to keep the spread from the general populace without shutting down industry and locking people up willy nilly, whereas today’s Federal Government seems to be frozen without the mental capabilities to deal with this issue in a proper and efficient manner. YES, I’m aware that recently the Feds have been making some NOISE of building such a facility in Victoria, talking about it, and actually doing it, are two different things. We all know what talking about it means, with our Feds, by the time they make a decision on the issue, the threat will be over and we’ll be looking at another on the horizon.Australia needs such facilities in EVERY state, not just the N.T. and Victoria.The state bashing also needs to stop, they are doing the best they can despite the FACT, it’s not their responsibilities.
The fact is Ed, that the state and federal governments are both in on this scam together because they are under finacial pressure from the WEF and IMF that if they don’t follow the rules as agreed to at the Event 201 gab fest where Bill Gates, Claus Schwab and the various aresewipes from around the world decided that this fake virus was to be the beginning of process for the New World Order.
The other issues in Australia are that neither the god bothering, gutless POS Scummo Morrison or the tyrannical maniac Dan the Dickhead Andrews have the balls to actually represent the people and put an end to this bullshit!
The people of Victoria need to get their shit together and launch a mass protest against the state government and its fascist police force and take their lives back!
Where is a madman with a rifle when you need one?
“The fact is Ed, that the state and federal governments are both in on this scam together…”
True words indeed.
Recall that Australian billionaire and occasional politician Clive Palmer donated 2 tonnes of Hydroxychloroquine to the Federal Government to help the fight against Corona Chan – and the Federal Government promptly banned Hydroxychloroquine, claiming that it’s dangerous and causes heart attacks.
Dr Norman Swan, who presents ABC Radio National’s Health Report and has been widely consulted by the Federal Government on Corona Chan, publicly ridiculed Ivermectin (which has now been emphatically confirmed around the world as a miracle cure for Corona Chan) as “sheep dip” – and the Federal Government has effectively banned Ivermectin for Corona Chan.
The Australian political class – at the Federal and State levels, and every denomination, with complete bipartisan complicity – has sold their souls to creepy Bill and Uncle Klaus. They are all thoroughly compromised and conflicted, with financial, business and even family connections all leading back to creepy Bill and Uncle Klaus. In a word, rotten to the core. Precisely the same can be said of the Australian “health care” buearacracy – owned body and soul, lock, stock and barrel by Big Pharma, including and especially the Therapeutic Goods Administration which is supposed to regulate them in Australia.
“The people of Victoria need to get their shit together and launch a mass protest against the state government and its fascist police force and take their lives back!”
Not just in Victoria, but right across Australia. If we had even one State leader of the calibre of Florida Governor Ron Desantis here in Australia, we could break the back of this Corona Chan “pandemic” fraud – but apparently we don’t. Rotten to the core, one and all.
“Where is a madman with a rifle when you need one?”
Sad that it may comedown to this. God-botherer Morrison may yet get his “rapture” after all.
A perfect picture of Papa Doc Dan , Tonton Macoutes at work !