20 Years After Germany Bombed Belgrade Scholz Can’t Conceive of European War in Our Time

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  • TZVI

    No, No, Vlad, Heir Sholz meant to say “a War in Europe…with someone who could actually hurt us…”

    • Mr Reynard

      Or maybe Herr Sholz is as good at geography, as his boss Joe Dementia is, & think that Serbia isn’t in Europe ??

      • TZVI

        Some Europeans don’t even consider the British isles as Europe, when you reffer to them as part of the continent they roll their eyes. All the more so for Serbia…thank you for the correction on “Herr” Scholz.

        In any case it was good the world is reminded about the “bad days.” And No, Putin did not rule out war in that clip…

        • Mr Reynard

          Some Europeans ?? Those which had the modern curiculum education, where grammar & mathematics are abolished because they are a white privileged supremacy & all effort is put in to transgenderism & white racism ?

        • Mr Reynard

          Yupp.. The result of that marvelous Cambridge/Oxford exceptional education ..
          Note” I’m confident that Liz Truss has an Oxford PhD in Feminism & an Cambridge PhD in Transgenderism …

  • Michael Arnold

    MIC DROP!!!!!!!!!

  • EstibenDelMar

    hahahaa, the german’s face doesnt get red in shame at all. He is totally used to being harshly lambasted by his USA masters.

    • john mason

      Its’ called ‘bitch slapping’; favourite pastime of the weirdos.

  • Martillo

    Meanwhile our German presstitute for Zyclon B… I mean Pfizer feels the squirt…..

    Karma is a bitch but instant Karma is divine!
    German presstitute collapses live on TV while promoting forced injections. The minions of Satan are being stricken and smitten
    Bitchute has banned the video in Urupp and Germanistan because anti covaid$ death squirt is now a hate crime akin to debunking the hollowcost religion.
    Enjoy  because Karma is so beautiful and the truth really does set you free
    Here is the EweTueb link where it is still available for now.
    Double vaxxed blasphemous shill…. axxed   Do not blaspheme the shaker of universes…ever.
    Pfizer macht frei….permanently!

    • TZVI

      It will get worse too, I take no pleasure in it, but Germany will survive. Every fertile person in the world needs to do their part and raise a generation that will not follow the Totenkopf kulture.

  • SteveK9

    You could tell by his face, that Scholz realized he was being called out on an obvious lie, or at best error.