1984: ‘Virus’ Restrictions to Be Rolled Out Across South Australia Despite No Virus Positives

“Preemptive action”

Gatherings will be capped and hospitality settings will be drastically changed as South Australia beefs up its COVID restrictions, despite no new local cases.

The state has closed its borders to five jurisdictions, with only those from Tasmania and Victoria allowed to enter the state.

But as fears grow over outbreaks in other states, primarily those in the Northern Territory, WA and Queensland, SA is taking “preemptive action”.

Premier Steven Marshall said it was a “critical point” in the pandemic.

The new restrictions come into effect from midnight on Monday.

Masks are mandatory in high-risk settings, being aged care and hospitals, and are recommended on public transport.

Home gatherings are capped at 150 people and plans for events with crowds of more than 1000 people will be reviewed.

Attendees at licenced premises will have to consume their drinks while seated.

Venues liked shisha bars and buffets will be closed.

Hospitality venues will return to the one person per two square metres density rule.

Marshall said the state was taking “preemptive action” given the nature of the rapid spread of the Delta variant.

They will remain in place for a week.

There were no new local cases of COVID-19 in South Australia on Monday.

Elsewhere, there were 18 cases in New South Wales, one new case in WA and one in Queensland.

Source: News.com.au

  1. ken says

    Gotta give them credit…. I don’t think you could get much more stupid if you tried.

    Yet the aussies follow!

    I don’t know if that picture is photo shopped but if you can’t look at that and see a problem then you are part of the problem.

  2. Ultrafart the Brave says

    “Attendees at licenced premises will have to consume their drinks while seated.”

    Clearly a most sophisticated strategy to mitigate the spread of an airborne virus that’s not even confirmed to be present anywhere within the entire frigging state!

    Patrons are also being compelled to wear adult diapers on the outside of their pants just in case they fart.

    If a farmer observed his livestock behaving even half as stupid as this, he’d shoot them all to put them out of their misery.

  3. Mentor says

    Being such an important supplier of raw minerals and being so close to China, and so under threat from Chinese influence, the US will have decided that Australia is too at risk of being lost to the Anglo American cabal, to be ‘free’.

    Democracies cannot be trusted to defend against Chinese takeover, so Australian democracy is finished, & Covid is being used to overturn it.

    The Australian people better start fighting for their freedom or they will be prisoners for 50 years.

  4. April Preston says

    “No stand up drinking.

  5. Raptar Driver says

    The Covidians are strong in you Australians.

    1. Mr Reynard says

      Yupp.. Raptar.. I live down under & I’m amazed at the numbers of Covidiot among the population ??
      They had station of Covidiocy test & the car queue was over a mile outside ??
      The Australian main export was Wool & Sheeps, they did breed so many sheep, that they became sheep ??

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